Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread

This is the poster who said Mueller has “Nothing, Nada, Zilch.”

And people keep taking them seriously, with long, well-thought-out replies. That just get another “Nuuuh-uhhhh…”.

I’ve been reading this drivel for a while, so I finally responded:

I kind of hope it’s a Ruskie, because if Americans actually “think” like this jerk, I may have to move to a first-world country…

Whatever it is, it is clearly working from the standard troll script. But a lot of real people are these days so I’d give it a 5% chance of being a weird specimen of trumpkin.

It’s possible he is a genuine American Trump supporter but doing a C&P job from texts he’s read that are actually by Russian trolls, something he’s too clueless to realize. It would explain the inability to defend positions presented and the tendency to just repeat the same nonsense after it had been thoroughly debunked.

I am beginning to think Huey Freeman is an example some sort of Poe’s Law performance art…

He is over the top.

I think the poster is playing a role rather than being someone who picked a name that resonated with them.

That’s the impression I get. But he does seem to put some effort into it, so if he’s a troll he’s not a lazy troll.

I’ve resisted opening any of EricaR’s threads, but maybe I’ll take a peak at just one. Sometimes the SD community fulfills my hopes and turns such threads into performance art. But most times there a ready line of eager oversharers.

I hate making a judgment call about whether a poster is a troll but once in a blue moon a poster will make a statement that is blatantly false and posted in a way to cause drama. But Textual Assault posts this gem in the MLB July thread:

For those who don’t follow baseball, Machado is no lock to be a HOFer and as much as I hate the Yankees no one in their right mind can say their infield sucks.

This SilverLining thread fits your criteria. He wants to regulate the FBI. Things do not go as expected…

As does each plastic turnip. This made me smile and admire (after I finally clicked the pertinent link and understood the joke). Thank you.

He’s a fake–belied by his language.

Yeah, the more I read, the more it feels like he’s:

A) Playing a role
B) Almost certainly a white racist

He’s acting like exactly the kind of black separatist, anti-white racist extremist that would push people away from liberalism, and doing such a bad job of it I can’t help but read it as intentional.

I agree with all of the above about Freeman.

Either this person actually believes the words typed by hispossessed fingers or they are very insecure and ignorant. Every post is about how terrible all whites are and misguided cites to attempt to support the claims. Not to mention calling whites in general ‘thots’ and ‘hoes’ and being completely dismissive to anyone who doesn’t understand the garbled nonsense spewed through the keyboard on his behalf.

Most definitely a troll or someone with a point to prove and failing miserably.

EricaRoche asks how to get a good buzz…in General Questions.Apparently caffeine makes him sick, and he isn’t sure he can get away with abusing pseudoephedrine in this country.

How do we know OP is a “he”?

He has referred to himself as such in more than one post.

Ahhh, missed it, thanks.

Worst attention seeking behaviour you’ve seen?

How about starting lots of pointless threads and rarely returning to them. Granted, not the worst attention seeking behavior on this board, but almost meta trolling.

Well, it’s a good thing nobody did anything to chase them off on their first day!

Here’s a new one in GD arguing that Pussy Riot should be emprisoned in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives for running onto the World Cup field; what a charmer, eh?