Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread

Straight up candidate for this thread.

Silver Lining is so incredibly stupid he rivals Clothy, octopus and doorhinge combined.

I cannot decide if he’s a troll or just legitimately stupid. He doesn’t seem to be even bright enough to be a troll. I think he’s just a total moron.

Funny as hell though.

They’re not even hiding it anymore; why would they?

Silver lining is the poster I would consider most likely to actually be on the Kremlin payroll. He posts cut and paste crap from RW websites like it’s his job, and his command of English seems shaky at best.

He participates too much in non-relevant threads for that to be likely. It would be too much effort for a Russian troll I think. They would want maximum effect for minimum cost. Stir up trouble and then disappear for awhile, come back and stir up trouble, etc. etc. But he’s always here being a doofus. I do find it remarkable that he’s enough of an ignorant troll to be mistaken for a Russian stooge.

Ha! that’s about how I responded in that thread.

I wanted to, but I thought it might be close to threadshitting.

That foul ball sure has issues with baseball.

This guy is referring to the Trump-Putin summit. Not sure more needs to be said on that. What a fucking tool.

Link to his threadshit:

Yeah, dude’s an asshat, all right.

That is literally a textbook example of threadshitting. It hits every technical criterion, including the often-overlooked use of the rhetorical question* “who gives a shit?”. You couldn’t construct a more archetypal threadshit.

*Clearly rhetorical; we already know the answer if taken non-figuratively. Textual Assault gives the shit, because he is completely full of it.

His response was even more idiotic:

Hahahahaha! Still crying I see.

Weeping for America, perhaps. But you’re still acting like a tool.

Big Deal. A lot of people are acting like children. So what?

One of them is the President of the United States.

You don’t have to be bothered by that, but dismissing others for being concerned about it is distinctly toolish.

This is such archetypal trolling that the fucking porn discord I’m on would get snippy at him for it.

I find dumb statements by our President to be funny. Getting overly agitated by the mere words of a habitual liar is also funny to me.

I really have no idea what this sentence is supposed to mean. Although “fucking porn discord” could be a good band name.

Hey, manson1972! Welcome to Ignoresville; population: you!

ETA: Fuck off, troll.