Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread


What the heck is going on here ? I was under impression that Manson is smart person who writes intelligent enough posts, and now he’s been like a raving lunatic.
Is his account hacked ?

I’m complaining about stuff in the Pit. Isn’t that what we are supposed to do? Somehow, that’s trollish. You tell me.

That’s great— just super, super stuff. Hey, you know what would be even funnier? If you fucked off back to 4chan where you can live out the downward arc of your arrested development in an immersion tank of lulz while the adults talk about grown-up stuff.

It’s trollish when you repeat essentially the same complaint in dozen of posts per day, sometimes only minutes apart.

Ok, so people bitching about some dumb thing Trump said annoys you for some reason. I think we all heard you the first half dozen times.

You’re whining that people are talking on a forum. That’s a new level of idiocy.

People are whining that a liar lies. Big whoop. Now you are whining about someone you perceive is whining. It’s whining all the way down!

Sorry, but if people direct comments to me, I’m going to respond to them. I don’t have a stopwatch that tells me how long it has been between posts.

Hahahahahaha! *wipes tears away.

That was awesome!

He seems to go through a phase like this every so often. A few years ago it was regarding vandalism of scenic wonders (he’s pro). Ignore him for a while and he’ll hopefully return to someone interesting and non-trollish.

I did and my experience perusing the board has already improved.

Getting off the manson show:

Sequential threads in Elections (posting here due to the content):
If you were a Russian troll…

GOP gained ground in middle-class communities in 2016

You remember that? Man, I’d forgotten. Guess it takes a couple years before my tolerance of supposedly smart people whining about the dumbest shit reaches a breaking point.

How long until Textual Asshat craps all over this baseball thread? He seems to be making a habit of it.

Thanks to Skywatcher for reminding us of this gem:

Da, and I heffe hard time seeing YOU as Russian troll. Nyet. Is real name Boris Badinoff. Say hello for me Natasha, moose and sqvirrel.

At first I flagged the OP in a Cafe Society thread because it was a homework thing, but then I realized that there was an ambiguous link in the OP as well. It’s like an invitation to infection eh. And with this post here, well ORTIO eh.

I know exactly what you mean. I watched a semi run through downtown at over 60, smashing cars and squishing pedestrians and bicycles. 19 people died and over 35 were seriously injured. It was fucking hilarious – I laughed till I cried.

You are a psychopath.

Yeah, except Boris & Natasha were from Spotsylvania, not Russia.


Hail, Hail, Hail!

My apologies for misspelling “Boris Badenov”. My bad.

And I was sure that Pottsylvania was a stand-in for the Soviet Union, but apparently it was more likely East Germany. And finally, I always thought that Natasha was Natasha Nogoodnik, but apparently her name was Natasha Fatale and (according to the authorities on Wiki) only apocryphally known as “Natasha Nogoodnik” – and there isn’t even a cite for that.

Apparently I had a culturally deprived childhood.

Hee hee…