On the first day of OGmas,

My true love gave to me:
A cartridge in a bear tree.

On the second day of OGmas,
My true love gave to me:
Two fertile dogs
and a cartrige in a bear tree…

*Everybody sing! *

On the third day of OGmas …

Please add your non-tradional gift to the song.

Have a Merry OGmas (Christmas, winter holiday, or whatever …) and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!


My true love sent to me
Three henchmen, two fertile dogs and a cartridge in a bear tree.

On the fourth day of OgMas…

Sorry to spoil, the cadence; perhaps I’ll remove this post later.

Moved from IMHO to MPSIMS.

On the fourth day of OgMas my true love sent to me
Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a cartridge in a bear tree.

On the fifth day of Ogmas my chew love sent to me

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goats in Jeeeeeeeeeans

Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a cartridge in a bear tree.

On the sixth day of Ogmas my chew love sent to me

Six Sheep a-baaing!

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goats in Jeeeeeeeeeans

Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a cartridge in a bear tree.

On the fifth day of Ogmas my true love sent to me

Six punks a-spraying,

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goats in Jeeeeeeeeeans

Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a cartridge in a bear tree.

Six deeds of lading

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goats in Jeeeeeeeeeans

Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a cartridge in a bear tree.

Seven steins a-brimming,

Six deeds of lading

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goats in Jeeeeeeeeeans

Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a cartridge in a bear tree.

On the eigth day of OGmas
My true love sent to me:
Eight aides a-bilking
Seven steins a-brimming,
Six deeds of lading

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goats in Jeeeeeeeeeans

Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a cartridge in a bear tree.

Actually, I think the five goats were in *heat * … :wink:

On the ninth day of OGmas
My true love sent to me:
Nine banks financing,
Eight aides a-bilking
Seven steins a-brimming,
Six deeds of lading

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goats in Jeeeeeeeeeans

Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a cartridge in a bear tree.

On the ninth day of OGmas
My true love sent to me:

Ten Toms a-peeping
Nine banks financing,
Eight aides a-bilking
Seven steins a-brimming,
Six deeds of lading

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goats in Jeeeeeeeeeans

Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a cartridge in a bear tree.

Erm, make that the tenth day. Preview should be my friend.

On the eleventh day of OGmas
My true love sent to me

Eleven hypers hyping

Ten Toms a-peeping
Nine banks financing,
Eight aides a-bilking
Seven steins a-brimming,
Six deeds of lading

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goats in Jeeeeeeeeeans

Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a cartridge in a bear tree.

On the twelfth day of OGmas
My true love sent to me

Twelve dopers pitting
Eleven hypers hyping
Ten Toms a-peeping
Nine banks financing,
Eight aides a-bilking
Seven steins a-brimming,
Six deeds of lading

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Goats in Jeeeeeeeeeans

Four Linux nerds,
Three henchmen,
Two fertile dogs,
And a caaar–trii–iidge in a bear treeeee.

[The audience rises to its its feet in a tumult of wild applause.]

[Flowers rain down upon the stage.]

– Did you all know this software doesn’t count words inside brackets? It insists the above is too short: Please make your message at least two words long.