Re article below- Redskins’ Kike Owner Refuses To Change Team’s Offensive Name
Too much or a fair point of satire given his insistence on not changing team’s name?
Re article below- Redskins’ Kike Owner Refuses To Change Team’s Offensive Name
Too much or a fair point of satire given his insistence on not changing team’s name?
Fair point.
OK as far as I’m concerned. Even if you don’t agree that Redskin is a slur, it’s a fair point for argument. They’re not the first people to make this point, and they’re also not really calling Snyder a kike. They’re making a comparison between that term and the name of his team.
So, when’s he suing The Onion?
Snyder sued the Washington City Paper over this article where they drew “Jewish devil horns and goatee” on his picture. He did later drop the suit, probably because one thing in DC that both parties can agree to is that he’s an ass and he didn’t come off looking too good.
I’m going to go with offensive. But so was A Modest Proposal and we all know that it caused the British to immediately laugh and stop starving the Irish.
I read this article on the Onion today on Twitter, and I thought to myself, “Jesus, the Onion is really pushing it. Like, South Park/Drawn together pushing it.” I don’t remember it always being this way.
Seeing this thread seems to make thing it’s part of a larger effort to make it “edgier” and more culturally relevant. Who knows?
Chandler voice Could the Onion BE any edgier? I really don’t think they have to pull stunts to appear edgy at this point. They are already considered edgier than a jagged cliff.
Yeah, nothing about this seems particularly edgier than they have been in the past. It’s just too…lazy and obvious, in my opinion. I expect more from them.
I don’t know what a hebe is.
Yeah seems kind of lazy.
Derogatory term for a Jew, from “Hebrew,” I would suppose.
Am I a bad Jew because I really enjoy the word “hebe?” It just sounds funny.
It’s too much, which is what the Onion is supposed to do.
I’m going with it being fair satire. It’s relevant to the issue and Snyder is a legitimate target.
One interesting thing I noticed is they never mentioned Snyder by name.
There was a magazine aimed at Generation X Jews called “Hebe” (or was it Heeb?). A friend has a few issues.
Back To The OP
Considering the topic, I don’t find it offensive. It’s a fair point. Except now, I want an NFL expansion team called the Hebes.
No, but you may be hebephrenic.
Isn’t this the very definition of satire? I think it illustrates the issue perfectly.
The Onion did what The Onion does.
I’m not offended. It’s what the Onion does.
I more enjoyed this recent headline on the same topic:
](Washington Redskins Change Their Name To The D.C. Redskins)