Only 12 time-outs today, SDMD. Well done.

Is Ebay down 25% of the time? Is Amazon? No, only legitimate FOR PROFIT sites are. Oh wait. The SMDB is one of those. How about supreme incompetence? The Straight Dope Message Board? You’re soaking in it.

Well, I wouldn’t say this board is down 25% of the time either. That is the last endorsement they are getting out of me without a contract, however.

Also, my point still stands, wildman. It’s not even remotely worth suing, even if we’d all paid double and despite your seemingly randomly chosen words of caution. I feel totally trolled just saying as much as I have. We will not correspond further, motherfucker!!1!

OK, how do you intend to fight?

Because bleating about it in a pit thread every few days isn’t really fighting, neither is pleading for other people to take legal action. Are you sure you actually meant ‘fight’ and not ‘whine’?

Has this ever worked before? Specifically, have users ever sued a messageboard over performance? Sounds like a lot of petulant talk to me.

Ebay’s running custom Java software, and I can guarantee you that they’re not running MySQL on the back-end.

The SDMB is running free PHP software with MySQL on the backend. It doesn’t surprise me in the least that this setup goes down on occasion. You get what you pay for, and the $15 yearly fee we pay for this board isn’t enough to pay for a full-time software developer to write a better piece of message board software.

Do you mean vBulletin? That’s not free.

I fail to see how merely having the same thing happening as someone else means “embracing” them.

The ISP part was sold to WorldCom, who sold it to MCI.

Neither is MySQL, in a commercial environment.

So the ‘you get what you pay for’ argument doesn’t hold water. It’s not running on free software.

Well, do ya wanna know what the difference is? Are you interested?

Last month, your OP was basically content-free, just an obscenity-laden whine, obviously off the top of your head at 3:00 in the morning.

This month, your OP comes across as if you actually, like, composed it. It has content. It scans. It’s got a good beat and we can dance to it.

We Pitizens likes us a good rant. Your July Rant wasn’t. Your August Rant is. That’s the difference.

It’s also the message board system used by other forums that are orders of magnitude larger than the SDMB. It is an old version with some quirks, such as a tendency to stall the front end if an admin is searching for someone by IP, but it’s not the reason for most time-outs. Newer versions (up to 3.6.8 now) are a bit faster, but not that much.

Okay, so how about the Google ads? Does the revenue from THEM make it possible?

How is it that the board runs as well now (for me, anyhow) as it did before P2P? Why doesn’t it run better? Is the revenue from the subscriptions and the Google ads not enough to help? If they ARE helping…how? What’s improved? I can still read the board fine and get ten minute delays when I try to post, just like I did back in 2000.

I’ll keep paying up every year, because it costs more than $15 just to take one of my kids to the movies, so it’s still a bargain for a year’s worth of time at the board I read most frequently, even though I am more and more aware that it’s a pile of shit. Hell, we actually saw “Ghost in the Machine” in the theater. There’s no WAY I can pretend I’m not willing to pay for garbage.

Just because I’m willing to PAY for garbage does not mean I can’t complain about the ever-deepening stench, though.

Can we get one of the propeller-heads at Dope central to tell us what they are using to run this board? What kinds of servers/OS/software? I’m not asking for IDs and passwords, just a basic idea of what they have. I mean, if they have a Commodore 64, maybe they should consider an upgrade.

Quite - Big Boards lists 60 other message boards, bigger than this one (sorting by total posts, that is - there are 330 that have more members), that use vBulletin.

Commodore 64! Do you think they’re made of money? They’ll continue to use their VIC 20 and you’ll like it.

Last month when you ranted, the board hadn’t just been up and down like a whore’s drawers for the last week. This month it has. In other words, I agree with your OP more this month than last. I’m an educated, intelligent person - I can evaluate new information and reach a different conclusion. If you rant next month, and the boards have been behaving, I probably won’t agree as much then.

And what Duck Duck Goose said. Maybe when you don’t come in with both guns blazing, you don’t get as much blowback.

I’d hate to see their phone support. Are they still using soup cans and string?

Administrator and Tech Geek Extraordinaire JDavis will be happy to answer your questions. All you have to do is Search in ATMB under posts by him, and somewhere in there, if memory serves, there are a number of tech discussions of board software, servers, hamster stimulants banned by the ASPCA, etc. I Searched and it brought up 96 posts, but I have other things to do than wade through techspeak this afternoon.

If you put it on Show Results As Posts, it’s easier to skim them. Good luck with it!

Look down at the bottom of the page.


Way down.

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Alpine yodeling.