Opera music at the end of Sopranos

Sorry if this has been discussed before but we’re behind here in Ireland and I don’t want to search all the Soprano threads because there might be spoilers.

The episode where Tony and Adriana are in a car crash and Christopher flips about the incident closes with a beautiful aria. Could anyone name the song and singer (Maria Calles?)?


I don’t know but I just want to add that was a excellent ep.

The show just keeps on getting better.

Actually thinking about it I have it on tape.

If I remember I’ll have a look at the credits to see is it mentioned when I go home tonight.

Yes, it was a really cracking episode. It’s the only program I really stay at home for. Phone switched off, knocks on door not answered etc. I often go as far as to cook Italian food on the day.

Bit of a pity that the Soprano-threads have always sank away by the time we get the relevant episode over here, although it is cool but curious that RTE always has the Sopranos sooner than the Channel Four.

I did looks at the credits, and I don’t think they mentioned it, but might have missed it as watching on a really small TV with so-so reception. :frowning:

Right. Sad wanker that I am. I’ve just gone through all the threads from the beginning of this series and here is the thread about the episode we’re talking about.

We now have a time stamp. So you’ll be able to search for a read the threads now :slight_smile:

Looking at the Music Credits on the website, it looks like the only opera song was Luba Orgonasova : CHI’ IL BEL SOGNO DI DORETTA (MAGDA) (from La Rondine)
(I’m only going by titles here, as they don’t have clips of the music). I found that here. I don’t know if the site is accessible from outside the US, though (I recall a recent thread about Showtime’s website not being accessible outside of the US, but don’t know if the same may apply here).

One word of warning, if you are able to connect to that page. It does contain spoilers if you look for them.

Thanks to both of you!

Yes, that seems the most likely song, doesn’t it. (The website worked fine for me)
Managed to avoid smeaking a peek at future episodes by using some amount of willpower.

Will catch up with the previous threads as well.

After posting my message, I checked out that song on the iTunes Music Store, and it sounded right, as well (although it’s been a few weeks since I saw that ep).