Question for Fans of The Sopranos [possible spoilers]

Last night, I was watching what I thought was an unedited version of the episode in which Silvio whacks Adriana. (The profanity, violence, and sex was left intact, anyway.)

To my amazement, the scene where Christopher tells Tony that Adriana is an FBI informant was omitted completely! I first saw this 20-odd years ago, so I know it exists. It’s even on YouTube:

They did, however, show the scene where Tony sets Adriana up over the phone:

They also left in the scene where Adriana is apparently trying to flee with her red suitcase (also in the second clip).

I don’t remember that last scene at all, and I wonder why it’s there. To show some “if only she had done that” alternative future?

Was the last scene shown in the first run of the series, or did it end up on the cutting room floor? If it’s on YouTube, I have to assume it was left in in at least some home video releases.

It was. Have the first-run DVD set. It’s definitely there.

I take it they offered no explanation of the “fleeing” scene other than to suggest what “might have been.”

Yes, it was just a daydream while she’s already in the car with Silvio. Sopranos was always very fond of the dream mechanic.

I also remember a moment where she asks “Why are we going this way?” and Silvio says “It’s a shortcut.” It was missing from the version I saw last night.

If you go find the original thread that people were posting to for that episode, I’m almost positive one or two posters that knew the area knew they were going the wrong way.


is not a “possible” spoiler.

She should have caught on to what was happening right then. So what are we to assume about her? She’s incredibly dense? Disoriented? Resigned to her fate? All three?

I don’t remember, it was way too long ago.
However, here’s our thread for that episode:

If you’ve watched the series it isn’t.

If you’ve watched something already, there can’t BE spoilers.

Spoiler alerts are for the benefit of folks who haven’t seen it yet.

Right. There have to be a few of those left in the Universe.

That whole sequence was heartbreaking. Christopher, briefly considering leaving his mob life with her, then he sees the poor family at the gas station and thinks, No way am I giving up my life for Adriana. Then Adriana’s daydream sequence, which appears completely real to the viewer. For one moment the fans are screaming YES!!! She got away! But no.

Thanks for posting that link. It answers some other questions I was wondering about.

Exactly! You can tell the shot where that poor shlub gets into his car is the moment when Christopher makes up his mind.

Adriana is fully aware of who Christopher is and what he does and seems perfectly okay with that. Her uncles were Jackie and Ritchie Aprile, her family was eyeball deep in the life, and yet she also seemed to have a certain naivety about it somehow. I get that mob guys don’t tell their wives everything, so as to not make them “accessories after the fact” as Tony once eloquently put it, but Adriana is portrayed as generally being not really all that bright. The band she tried to sell to Massive Genius was objectively terrible. She seemed surprised when Crazy Horse turned out to be not totally above board.

The daydream in the car is her realizing what she should have done. She “gets” it, but is just far too slow on the uptake to save her own life. In an emotional moment she forgets that these people are savages and tragically trusts them for only about an hour or so too long.

I saw the series for the first time last year and it is not in the episodes from HBOMax (or whatever it’s called today).

Remember we are not sure Adriana can have children. I think that was part of his decision.

That scene was a flashback in a later episode. It was never included in “Long Term Parking”. It was actually filmed for “Long Term Parking”, but the director decide to leave it out, thinking it was more dramatic for the audience to slowly figure out what was happening along with Adriana. But they kept the footage and decided to use it as a flashback later on.

No one should miss the point that the Feds are shown to be just as heartless as the mob

I was referring to when she was riding in the car, but you’re right. None of what had happened around her seemed to matter, so long as she was taken care of.