Sopranos 9/22/02


Shouldn’t Adriana have asked for a lawyer? Or how does it work when you’re interrogated by the FBI? They told her she wasn’t under arrest. Then they threatened her with arrest, for possession and intent to distribute, if she didn’t talk. Is that a loophole, wherein if she complies, she’s not entitled to a lawyer, because she’s not under arrest?

Actually, she should never have gotten in the car to begin with, unless they arrested her. Then she should have asked for a lawyer.

Of course, she isn’t all that bright.

However, I would have thought she (and any of the other Soprano women) would have been prepped on what to do in the event of FBI questioning.

True. But in her case, such instruction would have had to come from Christopher…and thinking ahead is not his strong point.

Although he’s not entirely reckless. I love how he injects his foot so that the marks won’t be in an obvious place. But that’s negated by the utter recklessness of shooting up in the first place.

If she wasn’t told her Miranda rights, which I assume she wasn’t since she wasn’t under arrest, couldn’t a “family” lawyer toss out everything she told them, and maybe even the tape from the wire and the search warrant? Maybe that’s why they scared her into worrying about Tony finding out she invited the agent into his house, in which case they deserved to be sprayed with vomit. :slight_smile:

Good point, Max.

It could be their (the FBI) defense that she was a willing witness and therefore didn’t need to be read her rights. I agree; She’s not smart, she should have contacted a lawyer, and she shouldn’t have even gotten into the car.


If she hadn’t gone with the agents, they would have served the warrant on her club and leaked, if not outright told, that her ‘best friend’ was an undercover agent.

True, Adrianna ain’t exactly bright, but she’s between a rock and a hard place right now, to put it mildly. She would have been in a worse situation if she hadn’t gone with the agents, in my opinion.

One of the secretaries here and I were discussing her options and I’d love to hear what SDMB Soprano fans have to say. I say she should just go home and kill herself. But I’m a bit jaded. The secretary with whom I was speaking says she go talk to Tony right away. I say that’s suicide. Thoughts…?

I’d say that Adriana should go to Tony, now. She’s not in the business and Tony knows she’s not bright, so I think she won’t get whacked. But if she doesn’t tell, and Tony finds out later from a third party, she would be in much deeper trouble.

In addition

Is it just me, or does it seem that Silvio is trying to get Christopher killed? There’s definitely bad blood between them, and the business of hijacking the building supplies seems to be Silvio’s way of undermining Christopher.

*Originally posted by JuanitaTech *
If she hadn’t gone with the agents, they would have served the warrant on her club…

It is doubtful that they have a warrant for her club. What would be the point? They are obviously after the big fish, so there would be no sense in raiding a club for drugs.
**True, Adrianna ain’t exactly bright, but she’s between a rock and a hard place right now, to put it mildly. She would have been in a worse situation if she hadn’t gone with the agents, in my opinion. **

She should have been prepared for this in advance. Even the stupidest people can remember “Keep your mouth shut”. These people have lawyers who do all of their talking for them.

**I say she should just go home and kill herself. But I’m a bit jaded. The secretary with whom I was speaking says she go talk to Tony right away. I say that’s suicide. Thoughts…? **

I think she should walk out of the room, and tell the agents to piss off.

However, since she has already talked a little, she should clam up, and ask for a lawyer. Once he gets there, (and tells the agents to piss off) she should immediately speak with Tony, and make him aware of the situation. Pussy would still be alive had he done just that.

Keep in mind though, that (IRL) these people are generally morons.

It’s great to see the scripts starting to show that aspect. (I.e., Paulie giving sensitive info over a prison phone, Chris using an ex-cops gun to kill him him, then placing it in his HANDCUFFED HAND, Adrianna breaking under slight pressure, etc.)

Not to mention finally showing Tony as the evil sumbitch he really is.

Btw, I’m not putting up a spoiler tag because:

a) Someone who sees this title and doesn’t guess that there will be spoilers, can’t be helped.

b) If they somehow got past the title, then saw the giant box in the OP, and still didn’t turn back…They get what they deserve.

Max: I’m rusty on my crim law (last time I needed to know it was for the bar), but I’m pretty sure everything she said prior to getting in the car would be admissible. I’m a little less sure about the stuff afterwards – the rules get tighter when you’re in custody, under arrest or not, IIRC.

But it doesn’t matter anyway: They’ve got her on the drug charge: the FBI gal would be the key witness against her – she witnessed Aidrianna partaking and allow the drugs in her club. And the FBI gal’s observation would be plenty to get a warrant to search the club and Aid’s home, and I’m pretty sure they’d find stuff there. Aidrianna’s actual statements don’t matter one whit. And it’s that threat of prosecution that they’re using to get her to play ball.

Anyway, Aidrianna’s odds in the Season 4 dead pool just went dramatically up.

Here’s what I’ve got for this season’s “Big Hit”:
Paulie: 5-1
Aidrianna: 10-1
Ralphie: 20-1
Christopher: 50-1
Silvio: 75-1
Janice: 200-1
Uncle Junior: 250-1
Johnny Sack:300-1
Dr. Melfi: 450-1
Artie Bucco: 500-1
Baccala (Junior’s caretaker): 500-1
Carmela: 1,000-1
Meadow: 3,000-1
AJ: 5,000-1 (though we can all hope…)

Whaddya think?


I’ve another question. What’s the hell was Ralphie talking about when he referenced ‘no-shows’ regarding his guys being at the construction site?

Stupid me, almost forgot:

Tony: 10,000-1

Unless this is the last season, in which case: 3-1 (I vaguely recall that there may be a season after this one).

David Chase says there will be one more season, five in total.

I was surprised at how quickly Adriana crumbled. But I suppose that if I was so desperate for a friend, and that person completely betrayed me to that extent I’d be more than a little vulnerable. I actually felt sorry for her in the interrogation room. And I really really wanted a vomit disclaimer or something (wasn’t there a thread on this a while ago?); that was the absolute rankest moment of my evening. Meadow’s therapist is creepy; her smooth monotone voice is very unsettling.

I was shocked to find out from the closing credits that she was played by Linda Lavin, who used to be on the TV show “Alice” back in the 70s.

I think the agent was lying about the wire. Law enforcement officers (even in real life) are allowed to lie to you if you’re not under arrest.


Thank you gobear!

I have been burning my brain all night trying to remember where I had seen that face before.

Yep, she should never have gotten into the car in the first place. As Dewey said though, they’ve got her on the drug charge anyway. Plus, she was so stunned by her “friend” being a Fed, I don’t think she was thinking too clearly.

JuanitaTech by “no-shows” and “no-works” Ralphie was talking about the number of people that would be on the payroll for the big construction project. The no-works were the guys that were there in the lawn chairs, the no- shows didn’t even have to show up.
Which leads to the next question, why the hell even have the no-works? They are just sitting around drawing attention to themselves anyway. Ralphie acted like the no-shows were harder to pull off, but I can’t imagine how. That big of a project, it’s be easy to hide several people. When they’re sitting out in the open in lawn chairs though, it’s pretty obvious what’s going on.

Last, my money’s on Christopher not making it through the season. He’s burning the candle too bright to last much longer.

Silvio may be trying to get the other guy whacked. Tony alluded to Sil wanting that earlier.