I am doing an inventory of bookmarks. Deleting ones to empty sites. Organizing the rest into folders.
What I want to do first is to organize them with the folders all on the top and the rest listed alphabetically. I click “Favorites” to open the list on the left. Then I have “add” and “organize” on top. When I click 'organize," I get options to create folder, move to folder, rename or delete. If I want to bring all the folders to the top, I either have to click and drag it to the top, or cut-n-paste. As user-friendly applications have become, I find it hard to believe there is not the option I desire. It is certainly not an odd desire.
Open the Favorites menu (straight from IE, not in any settings boxes or anything), right click on any link and pick Sort by Name. Badda bing, badda boom. (You’ll have to do this within each subfolder as well.)
Interesting! It sorted the favorites column from the top bar, which drops the list straight from the source. However, when I click the “favorites” from the bar below, which puts the bookmarks to the left, remains unchanged.
(Clicking organize…)
Yep, it does display them in order. Still kind of odd, but I can work with it. Thanks dude (or dudette)
You can also export the favorites into HTML format. Then you can use SEVERAL freeware programs to organize it, or better yet an HTML editor like Dreamweaver. Then re-import it. File->Import/Export. The favorite programs though have the capability to check the links for you. Don’t waste your time. Let the programs do it for you. I use AM-Deadlink which works with IE without having to export to HTML and it lets you backup your favorites into a zip file. I would just use the HTML one though.
All of my bookmarks are located online on Yahoo. http://bookmarks.yahoo.com. which works very well with the Yahoo companion a toolbar for IE. You can export/import HTML from Yahoo. I import the HTML to IE and use AM-Deadlink to check my links. Then I re-import to Yahoo. That lets me have my bookmarks at work and at home and at friends houses and on vacation, etc. There is a 1000 bookmark limit on yahoo though. After 5 years I’m running out.