Yesterday (love was such an easy game to play, now I need… oh, sorry. That always seems to happen.)
Anyways, yesterday I was loading my tools back up as I had finished the project I was on. A new one starts Monday.
It was a perfect day, weatherwise, and I was gonna go to my bud’s house after this. I had borrowed a few tools of his and he had some mine, he had gotten his kids early for the weekend (yeah, divorce) and was gonna cook out dogs and play some games and just have a nice outdoorsy good time. I say all this too provide insight into my mood. I was in a good mood.
I was carrying the chopsaw out to the truck through the narrow little passage from the far recessed front door to the driveway. But, the plant people (yes, they are made of vegetable matter) had been there a few hours before, rearranging the landscape and shit. Yeah, I should’ve checked, or at least not been carrying something heavy and large without being to see exactly where I was stepping. But, it had no steps, just a steady slope, and there had been nothing there this morning.
But, halway down the passage, WHACK! I ran into something with my left leg. It was all I could do not to throw the saw and collapse in pain, but somehow I managed. I slowly back away and put the damned saw down. Then I could see what the fuck I ran into. A FUCKING CONCRETE PLANTER! Yeah, it added just that touch of greenery to the rocks and brick and stone, but FUCK! THAT HURT! Right below the knee on the shin bone.
How hard had I hit it? Well, my leg, my good leg! (I’ve broken the other one twice) now had a mountain range on it. Yeah a swelling bumb. I had broken the skin and it was bleeding a bit, too. Today, there is a large, discoloured knot on it. Damn it hurts.
Anyways, that doesn’t adequately describe how hard I hit the decorative concrete planter thingy. I broke it. Split it right down the middle. Anyone want to calculate the energy of that impact?
Since there were kids around, outside next door, I did not curse. The neighbor mom said she heard, THUD “Ouch, that hurt” as though Roy Batty had just been clubbed by Deckard.
I went to my bud’s anyways, and had a good time. Except for his youngest climbing on my lap and steping right on my new boo boo.
Soryy for the scylla-esque length of this story, btw, but I’m in a very Dopey mood right now.