Ouija advice from a movie?? Good call!!

On my drive into work this morning, I was stuck in traffic and amusing myself by scanning through the radio stations. I happened to stop on one of the local rock stations, who have quite a chatty morning program. Not talk radio, just lots of DJ chatter with occasional call ins.

This morning, the topic was Ouija boards. A mother had written in, freaked out because she found her 12 year old daughter and friends using on. So the DJs and crew are talking about if they believe that a Ouija board actually has any connection with the occult, or if it was all good clean scary fun.

One of the DJs states that they are a gateway to the devil, and you better stay away from them. Dubious, her co-workers ask her more questions. She says that she played with them as a kid, and didn’t believe they were supernatural, but since growing up and watching horror movies showing Ouija boards, she now believes that they are dangerous. :smack: Why didn’t I see that. I should have been taking my demonic advice from The Exorcist all along.