Outlook 2003 vs Outlook 2000

I just recieved a new computer at work (whee!!) and I am now using Outlook 2003 instead of the Outlook 2000 that I had before.

In Outlook 2000, I used to be able to click on the name of the part of Outlook I was in (ie Contacts, Inbox, Calender) and I would get a pulldown menu of all of the Outlook folders that I had, making navigation between the parts of Outlook 2000 very easy and taking up minimal realestate on my desk.

It now seems that I am stuck using the Navigation Pane in Outlook 2003. There is no quick/one-click way to turn it on/off, and it doesn’t show me the entire list of folders. <control>Y seems to be the closest I can get.

Has anyone found a way to bring the ease of use of my old Outlook 2000 into Outlook 2003?

I’m not sure I understand the problem. The navigation pane is almost identical to the folder list that I used in 2000. The navigation pane also allows you to configure what buttons you have available to switch between calendar, mail, etc.

Can you be a tad more specific?

In the navigtion pane, click “Folder List”, or the little icon that looks like a folder. Or Menu Go -> Folder List, or control-6.

That’s the old Folder List from O2K.

Sorry, you can also turn off the navigation pane with Alt+F1, and use the control shortcuts, or the Go menu to get around.

Oh, I see. Nice.