I’m posting to ask if anyone else can relate to how I’m feeling at the beginning of 2023?
When trump was elected, I and others were out in front on this board and elsewhere, constantly citing his outrageous statements and behavior. I started the Clusterfuck thread that never lacked for material and participants throughout his so-called administration. Now that he’s been out of office for a few years but not out of mind (though still out of his mind), and the newly-elected Republican majority in the House has taken over his de facto agenda, I can’t muster or maintain the level of outrage from before. I’m worn out and burned out.
We’ve discussed that the now-public outrageous positions held by Republicans aren’t new. Newt Gingrich and the Tea Party set the rumblings in motion in recent modern times. “Saying the quiet part out loud” is how some have put it. With the election of trump the pot boiled over. And it has kept boiling. Are we (thinking, aware, even “woke” people) the frogs in the pot? Are we cooked?
I thought about starting a thread in the elections forum to collect and keep track specifically of the publicly announced disruptive activities the House is planning to cripple and discredit Democrats, make rich people richer, crush the poor and middle class, and avoid actual governing. But I only thought about it.
And it’s not just the House. The Supremes (Roe). State legislatures (women’s dress code??). My own state of Texas, FFS! I feel like level-headed, sensible people are being beaten to death with rolled-up newspapers.
Lest someone ask, “What do you expect us to DO about it??” I don’t have an answer for that. My intention in starting this thread was not to come up with strategies-- that’s for people who aren’t burned out yet (and God bless you, whoever you are!). I just want to know if others are feeling Outrage Fatigue, too.
If anyone has answers or wishes to discuss how to find relief and remain conscious, by all means, share. As my late husband used to say, “I’m out of airspeed, altitude, and ideas.”