Overly sensitive (meep)

Sigh, I really need a break. I also need to stop spending so much time in the Pit; it’s not good for my blood pressure, but I feel I must fight the good fight against ignorance, lest I be unworthy of being a doper.

So, anyway. I work in an office where the focus is on dealing with internationals. This being said, there was nothing wrong with a message coming across the internal listserv with the title “Niger Problem”.

It was, as I hope you have guessed, someone asking a question about an exchange visitor from the country of Niger having trouble getting his visa. My instant reaction was to cringe like a vegan finding out that celery is made of pork.

The fact that this was a misreading has not helped my blood pressure. So, in an effort to lighten it, what other horrifying misreads have you folks had?

It could’ve also been a problem with black toner for copiers.

Hrm, no, I think that might have been “negro”, not “niger”… or is “niger” also “black” in some language with which I’m not familiar?