Ow! The things I do for the sake of vanity

I went to get my eyebrows waxed this evening. If you have ever seen a picture of me, you will know that my eyebrows are pretty much non-existant, being as they are very blonde. So why on earth would I do such a thing? Well, I saw a few stray hairs the other day, and thought I’d try to pluck them. OW!
Brain wave: Why not have a total stranger pour hot wax on your body and forcibly rip the hairs out?
I got to the spa (yep, a spa. I do live in a tourist town), and the esthetician said, ‘Oh, have you ever thought about putting a dye into your brows?’
Brain wave #2: Why not have a total stranger pour dye onto my eyebrows?

She smeared vaseline all around my eyebrows, to stop dye from bleeding into my skin. Then she put dye on to them. After a minute or so, she wiped it off, decided I needed a second go at the dye. Repeated the whole procedure again.

After she had finished that, she rubbed hot wax onto my face around my eyebrows, rubbed the cloth strip into that and then *riiiiip


So to make a long, painful story short, I now have visible, and beautifully shaped eyebrows. I also have red, swollen skin around my eyes. Hopefully by tomorrow, I will not think of them as overly dark, clownish eyebrows of pain.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the boards - what do you do for vanity or beauty? Odd salt rubs? Seaweed wraps? Do tell. I don’t want to be alone.

I dyed my hair bright red but I don’t think that’s what you’re talking about.

What do I do for beauty?

I point and laugh at people who let strangers pour hot wax and dye on to their heads. May not make me actually look more beautiful, but I sure do feel better.


OW!!! Ginger, I feel for you. Really I do!

Never got that daring. The worst I’ve done is gone blonde. Yes, some people have seen me that way. I don’t know who I feel more sorry for… them or me.

Vanity sucks, doesn’t it? :smiley:

The worst non-painful thing I’ve done was back in high school, when I attained that unique and totally unnatural shade I like to call “Whore Blonde.” You know it’s bad when your own mother brings home a box of dye and says “Your roots are showing.”

On the painful side, definitely eyebrow plucking. I started doing it two years ago before my best friend got married. I was the maid of honor and I was a bit paranoid about having my make-up professionally done for the first time, so I tried to tidy myself up in advance. I had never, ever tweezed my brows before that, and no one seemed to notice or care, but it seems like once you start you can never go back.

Clownish eyebrows of pain… hee hee!

Well, since this is MPSIMS… Had a friend who shaved his eyebrows off (not vanity, sheer boredom) – apparently, eyebrow hairs are the slowest growing hairs… we had fun at his expense for well over a year.

Things I’ve done or do…
A tattoo

Underarms,legs and hooha waxed.
Dye my hair red

I, once, a long long time ago, shaved my entire groin.

I felt like I was 12.

It sucked.

Now, for vanity, I usually rub my growing tummy and mutter something about getting back into shape…


I have a tattoo as well. I didn’t even think of it. However, it was a long time ago, and I have mostly forgotten how much it hurt.

No, I haven’t. That hurt more than childbirth, which I was induced for! No friggin’ wonder I haven’t had another one done.

Eyebrow update: No longer as red, but still hurting. I’m thinking perhaps another Mike’s will dull the pain.

Vanity = tweezing
The women in my family tend to be a bit…fuzzy.
Oh. Hell, no.
I keep tweezers and a magnifying mirror at bedside and DAILY tweeze what should not be.
Of course, I shave legs and underarms and color my hair to cover the gray (the women in my family start to gray at 26 or so).
I have very thick and curly shoulder-length hair that gets a bit …unruly. One of my vanities is to wake up before Drachillix and arrange my hair more pleasingly and then sneak back into bed.

I get my hair cut once in a while… thats about it. Though I DO cry and squirm like a 3 year old.

You Waxed your hooha? You may be the bravest girl in the world. It makes cringe just thinking about it. In Fact I think that wins a prize for the most painful beautification treatment. Congratulations hardygrrl!

As for the painful things I do for beauty, the only thing I do is Tweeze my eyebrows. I don’t even do that much, I am such a whimp.

As a male living in a conservative small town, I have learned to avoid every single fashionable impulse I learned in California and Japan (and it was tough because I worked around the fashion industry a lot). I came back to my hometown wearing my favorite weird clothes like pink paisley vintage shirts, black versace jeans, etc, and was immediately labeled a homosexual (I’m not saying this is a BAD thing unless you are NOT gay, which I’m not, and it sure put a crimp on my dating). So now I am the most unfashionable person I can manage to be. Gap khaki pants and bad cotton shirts I buy at Target. White socks and brown shoes. I am horrified at how I look, but at least people treat me “normally”.
But anyway, under realistic (i.e. not smalltown Iowa) conditions, I am a devotee of hair dyes. Radical dyes. Like blue-black, green, or “kinpatsu.” I got fired on more than one occasion over my sudden urges for radical hair color. The most puzzling was when I did a plain old black, and my Pakistani boss went ballistic, he thought I was poking fun of him and his black hair. Honestly, it never even occurred to me, but now that I think back on it, he sorely needed to be poked fun of.

I too, know the horror of the eyebrow wax. I used to hate it much more than I do now, I think I’ve gotten used to it. Also, since I do it regulary, the hair doesn’t grow back as much as it used to, and there is less to wax.
I’ve given up having the bikini-area waxed (ok, honestly, I did I exactly once). I think if there is to be hot wax on my genitals, it should be for pleasure, preferably applied by a hot guy, not a nice old Asian woman. :wink:

I get my hair colored and cut every eight weeks, and I think I hate that more than anything else. I have very long, thick hair, and the process normally takes around 3 hours. I hate sitting under the dryer with a plastic cap on my head. It’s hot and noisy and the bleach smells bad, and I probably look ridiculous. I really like having blond hair though, and I like to keep it looking good, so I deal.

I also have long fingernails, and to maintain them, I have to go have them done every two weeks. That’s not painful, but my goodness is it boring.

I got my first tattoo on my hip, and since my hip is nicely padded, it didn’t hurt at all. I couldn’t believe how painless it was. I changed my mind about that when I got my second, larger, tattoo on my ankle. No padding there…ouch!

Getting my tongue pierced didn’t hurt at all. I went to an awesome piercer, and all I felt was a pinch from the clampy thingy he used to hold my tongue. The next day it was uncomfortable, but not as painful as you’d expect a steel rod through the tongue to be. It felt more like pizzaburn, and I had a lisp for about 5 days.

The things we do for beauty… :slight_smile:

God, Ginger, I have the same thing. Eyebrows so light I’m not sure why I bother, but when I see other people with nicely shaped brows, I think “Why not me?” I’ve submitted to brow waxing twice now. However, since I didn’t also get them dyed, I didn’t have anything to show for the pain!

Maybe I’ll go for the Joan Crawford look next time around…

The next morning update for y’all:

Owwwie! Left eyebrow still hurts. Right doesn’t unless I poke it, hard. Mom always told me not to poke myself in the eye.

Wicked Blue, my ankle is where my tattoo is. If I had started off in a nicely padded area, I may have had another one done by now.

Also, my nails are quite long as well, and grow very quickly so I’m always shaping and filing and snipping. I can’t be bothered to keep up with polish, though. I’d be doing it daily. Since I am clearly not a supermodel, I don’t think I’ll be doin’ that.

One time, some lesbians held me down and forcibly plucked my eyebrows. It was a traumatic experience.

I’m surprised no one’s mentioned electrolysis. Sheesh. I’m a guy and had my whole beard zapped off. Don’t ask, I’m not telling. This hurt. I wish I had drugs. I wish I was the kind of person who took drugs. ouch. Anyway, y’all should try it sometime. It’s not so bad once you get used to it. :slight_smile:

A hint for waxing…
Take some aleve before hand. Once you get it done regularly,it doesn’t hurt.

My tattoo is on my right shoulder-a blue dolphin in midleap. The outlining hurt but then I got used to it and almost dozed off.
I’m drawing my next tat now. A little boy angel. Above it it’ll say Craig and below it 1994-1999. It’s in honor of my nephew who died of cancer.

Vanity? Feh . . .

I just comb my hair, brush my teefuses, bathe avery day, occasionally slap on a li’l after shave (keeps the nicks and scratches down for me) and stuff like that. I’ve never had a bikini line wax, never had my hair dyed (technically, it’s dead already), but I probably will get a tattoo. . .

The things ya do . . .