Owners of phones with Windows Mobile 6 and 'Touch Flo 3D' - Crashing?

I have a HTC Touch Pro (It’s like the HTC Touch Diamond but with a fold out keyboard) and it tends to crash a worryingly-lot.

So I’ve decided to turn touch-flo off. I can’t see any way to uninstall it so all I can do is leave it off the today list of items.

I also don’t see it as a running app in the tasks program, yet I know it uses about 14MB of memory - which for a phone is a lot!

I can live without it. At best it’s a novelty.

So anyone with same or similar phone know if this is what causes my phone to crash? It’s seemed more stable since I stopped using it, but it’s only been a day!


Well, anyway. My phone has behaved better since I turned touch-flo off.

that should not happen. i have the touch flow.

first make sure you close programs. clicking the x on the upper right corner of the program only closes the window but the program is still running. you need to go to the main menu click that x in the right hand corner and then close all or a specific program. a reboot closes all open programs to.

i do a reboot everyday. probably not needed but habit from WM3, when it seemed to really help performance.

also go to htc’s website to check for a patch.

other thing you can do is ‘clear storage’ which wpes everthing and resets to the factory settings. it’s a pain but if you haven’t customized much maybe a good idea.

i use the touch features sometimes - especially speed dial & reading email. let me know if you still have problems…

(posted from the htc touch cruise)

that should not happen. i have the touch cruise

first make sure you close programs. clicking the x on the upper right corner of the program only closes the window but the program is still running. you need to go to the main menu click that x in the right hand corner and then close all or a specific program. a reboot closes all open programs to.

i do a reboot everyday. probably not needed but habit from WM3, when it seemed to really help performance.

also go to htc’s website to check for a patch.

other thing you can do is ‘clear storage’ which wpes everthing and resets to the factory settings. it’s a pain but if you haven’t customized much maybe a good idea.

i use the touch features sometimes - especially speed dial & reading email. let me know if you still have problems…

(posted from the htc touch cruise)

that should not happen. i have the touch cruise

first make sure you close programs. clicking the x on the upper right corner of the program only closes the window but the program is still running. you need to go to the main menu click that x in the right hand corner and then close all or a specific program. a reboot closes all open programs to.

i do a reboot everyday. probably not needed but habit from WM3, when it seemed to really help performance.

also go to htc’s website to check for a patch.

other thing you can do is ‘clear storage’ which wpes everthing and resets to the factory settings. it’s a pain but if you haven’t customized much maybe a good idea.

i use the touch features sometimes - especially speed dial & reading email. let me know if you still have problems…

(posted from the htc touch cruise)

I have Windows Mobile 6 but not the HTC. If part of the problem is too many programs open, you can change the settings so that tapping the x does close the program.

This setting is on for my phone.

China Guy, your cruise likes posting on the SDMB.

I’m patiently waiting for the HTC Touch Pro to be released by Sprint. Any day now for almost a month. Supposedly this week it will be available.

I bet there will be more discussion on the HTC Touch Pro soon.

Another question: Is there any way to get write access to the Windows folder? I want to delete some stuff I don’t need in there - Like the 4Meg ‘getting started’ video.
Also, is there any way to uninstall any applications that don’t appear in the add/remove programs menu?

Google your butt off. I found this link http://news.cnet.com/8301-10784_3-9862030-7.html, which might help.

I saw a few message boards a week or so ago, find some of them and you’ll get help.

I have three weeks vacation soon and I hope to know all the tricks by middle of December. I want my new toy now. Good luck.