He’s not the Iron Man, you know…
I heard on the news this lunchtime that he was walking around in his room chatting to the nurses. I think he’ll mend.
Ozzy was stable?
Thats a first!
I guessing he didn’t feel much of anything. One of the many benefits of being pretty much permanently anesthetized.
Phew. Now that he’s OK I get to giggle like a little schoolgirl at the image I have of Ozzy roaring around on an ATV…
“Whoaaaahh! Ha! Oh, bloody… SHAAARON! Ohthatsguttit… Whaaaa!! etc.”
Ozzy: “Ere, doctor, will I bloody well be able to sing then after this?”
Doctor: “Why, certainly Mr. Osbourne.”
Ozzy: “Bloody hell, that’s a relief, coz I never was bloody well able to before.”
Did anybody notice this line? 42 pills a day?!?
Jeez, no wonder he was acting so strange. How can this possibly be a good idea?
I think it’s odd that Ozzy would claim to be oblivious to the negative effects of taking so much medication. I’ll bet he paid that doctor a lot of money to prescribe him that stuff. Now he’ll get a hefty script of pain meds for this accident. What a mess.
Turns out the report I heard earlier was wrong. He couldn’t have been walking around and talking because he has a tube down his throat to help him breathe.
The injuries are pretty nasty, but his doctors have descibed them as “not a major problem”, so he should still be OK.
Next thing you know, he’ll be shooting TVs.
I didn’t know that Dr. Nick was still practicing.
I love Ozzy, but he’s full of shit if he thinks people will believe that a doctor told him to take all those pills. The bugger is an addict!
I don’t about the addict part. If you want to get get high, could’nt you find something that you don’t need to take 42 pills for. Granted that he doesn’t have to take them all at once, but wouldn’t that just get tiresome. Even if I was a superjunky I wouldn’t want more than 10 pills a day. 42 is just not efficient.
" . . . He has been on a ventilator in intensive care at Wexham Park Hospital in Slough, west of London. Hospital medical director Dr. Dick Jack has said he expects the 55-year-old star to make a steady recovery . . ."
“Dr. Dick Jack?” [snort . . . ]