Story here. (Yes, I know the Mail isn’t the best source, but this is breaking within the last hour and there aren’t many articles about it yet.)
I suppose it was only a matter of time before Trump and his legion of stochastic terrorists started driving people to these levels of insanity. May he receive the maximum punishment allowable under the law and may the psychopaths who egged him on share his fate.
So if he killed his father for being an employee of the federal government, are there specific charges at the federal level for that? In other words, did this guy who hates the feds so much just sign himself up for a lifetime stay in federal custody?
Vinny: Yeah. But first, show me the money. Mohn: I have it. Vinny: You have it, then show it to me. Mohn: [pause] I can get it. Vinny: You can get it? Okay, get it. Bring it here, let me see it. after a long wait Mohn: It’s a million bucks. Vinny: How do I know that’s not a bunch of ones with a twenty wrapped around it? Fan it out, show it to me. Mohn: It’s a million bucks in Trump scrip and a Silver MedBed voucher. (Silver was all I could afford.)
“On account of the performance of their official duties” seems like it would cover this circumstance.
The irony is that the people he was hoping to inspire are probably just going to call him a “crisis actor” or say that “the Deep State” put him up to it.
Occasionally I read or hear something like this and wonder is there any point to anything?
People are just crazy nut bags. And it’s getting worse.
We had a 26 yo. drug crazed idiot who killed his ‘quit highschool’ girlfriend and their baby. He cut the little hands off the baby thinking they couldn’t figure out it was his.
A $390,000 home. I’m in Canada; that’s average for a three-bedroom home, if not below average. That figure tells me nothing. Is it above/below market in America?
Out of curiosity, I looked it up. This is less than the median price of a US detached home (and much, much less than the median price in Canada).
So, no, it really doesn’t tell us much about their socioeconomic status. Maybe they were on the lower side of middle class, or maybe they were living in the boonies with a better-than-average house. Either way, it’s a stupid and useless fact to include in a news story.
I just read another article, and it seems to imply that the man beheaded his father (what a sentence!) after death-they specifically charged him with “abuse of a corpse”. So maybe the father died of natural causes and the Beloved Son decided to do what he did? Still pretty horrific.
The police probably don’t have quite enough evidence yet to charge him with murder because, as you note, he could have beheaded the corpse after he died of some other cause But, an admission that he beheaded the guy and then holding his head up on Youtube is all the evidence they need to establish desecrating a corpse and to hold him. Prosecutors can seek an indictment for murder later if they can establish that the guy actually killed his father.