Palestinians have been conned (a bit long)

The Israeli army is better at words than deeds, and the rest of the world has been tricked. It’s time the Palestinians realise they’ve been conned by Israeli propaganda, and start fighting back. Anyone even slighly aware of the statistics of past battles in the Middle East would know that there is nothing in the history books that justifies the Israeli army’s reputation as ruthless fighters that the Palestinians and Arabs should be afraid of!!!

This became evident finally last weekend, after their incursion into Gaza that left 9 people dead after a gunfight. The Israeli army went in to a crowded city area with 50 tanks supported by helicopter gunships, according to local Palestinian reports, and only managed to kill 9. Just look at the following examples of recent battles in similar situations by other armies and you’ll see how over-rated the Israelis are.

1970 - Amman, Jordan
Between mid 1968 and the end of 1969 there were no fewer than five hundred violent clashes between members of the various Palestinian guerrilla groups and the Jordanian army and security forces. Serious incidents included the kidnapping of Arab diplomats and unfriendly Jordanian journalists, unprovoked attacks on government offices, rape and the humiliation of army and security officers. The Palestinians molested women, levied illegal taxes and insulted the Jordanian flag in the presence of loyal Jordanians.

The fighting began the following day, with a Jordanian artillery barrage against the PLO stronghold of Zarqa. Within hours similar attacks were being directed against several areas of Amman, including the strategic Jabal Al Hussein, and on refugee camps such as Al Wahdat which had raised the flag of the Republic of Palestine. Patton tanks from the 60th armored brigade, accompanied by armored vehicles, entered Amman from all sides, and attacked the headquarters of the Palestinian organizations. Battles took place in Zarqa, Sweileh, Salt and Irbid as well. For the first time Arafat used the word ‘genocide’ to describe what was happening to the Palestinians, while urging his fighters to resist. Tens of thousands of Palestinians were killed in the 10 days of fighting.

1982 - Hama, Syria
The Muslim Brotherhood, a highly militant group based in the city of Hama, tried to assasinate president Assad. In retaliation, he sent in 50 Soviet M62 tanks, backed by aircraft (notice the equivalence to the Israeli forces in Gaza), to root them out. In the battle, 38,000 people were killed. The whole city was flattened by bulldozers to serve as an example to any other groups that may stand up against him. Now that’s an army to fear!

1987 Halabja, Iraq
In the middle of the Iran/Iraq war, the people of Halabja staged a revolution against Iraqi rule. Everybody was saying “The soldiers are our brothers; it is Saddam who is the enemy!”. Five days later the Iraqi army counterattacked. Helicopters were accompanied by tanks (Gaza again). Some of the rebels fired at the tanks, then the helicopter fired rockets into the crowd. People fled. Jordanian troops then invaded the town killing hundreds of people. A few days later 2000 people were rounded up, some dragged from hospitals, and buried alive. Five days after the rebellion had started the government totally destroyed the area where it had happened. They also booby-trapped empty houses nearby leading to many more deaths. Total death count was in the tens of thousands.

1988 Halabja, Iraq
For three days in March 1988 Halabja was bombarded with a cocktail of chemical weapons including mustard gas, and the nerve gas sarin, tabun and VX. Between 5,000 and 12,000 people were killed immediately and a further 40,000 to 70,000 were injured, many severely. No one knows how many people have died in the ensuing eleven years, nor is there any information about how many people are now suffering long-term effects.

So now it should be obvious - the Israeli’s fight with all their power against defenseless Palestinians and only manage to kill nine. The other armies fought against highly armed, fanatic opponents, and kill thousands. Who says the Israeli’s are such a formidable enemy?


This paragraph has been lifted almost verbatim, probably from an essay by Joseph Farah (who was in turn quoting, with attribution, Said K. Aburish’s book Arafat), or less likely directly from Aburish’s book. Farah’s essay has been reprinted in various places around the net but originally appeared on WorldNetDaily; see The day Arafat was offered power.

This has been lifted word-for-word from this web page.

Both taken from this page.

This paragraph is floating around on various places on the web; this page is one place it may be found although (thanks to, well, threads like this one) I can’t say for sure if this was the original source or not.
This thread is now closed. Rampisad, don’t do this again. If you want to quote people, note that you’re quoting them. If you want to refer to another web page, provide a link to it.