C’mon folks, we need to get real here…No matter what the Israelis do to “appease” the Palestinian Arab terrorist groups, it will never be good enough. Let’s face it; these same terrorists just want to start murdering innocent Jews again. That’s all that’s on their mind.
A good example of this senseless appeasement to terrorism: Israel is to hand over control of Jericho, Ramallah, Qalqilya and Tulkarem to the Palestinian Authority in the next two weeks. However, the terrorist groups call it a farce.
Israel is “[hiding] its aggression”? By building a security fence because you drove them into doing it with your murdering terrorist antics? Yeah, building a fence to make it harder for you to terrorize innocent Jews is so aggressive I can hardly stand it!
But shhh! Let’s not tell how you “hide [your] aggression” by re-arming during the cease-fire. We’ll keep it on the down-low…
Hey buddy…incase you weren’t aware, Israel really did release Palestinian prisoners. Is that too “tricky” for you to understand? And who says Israel is obligated to release these terrorists to please you when it obviously doesn’t matter and you all are just going to start killing again? Why would they give up 6,000 Jew killing machines? For the sport of re-capturing them? Nah, sorry, that’s just shooting themselves in the foot. They know you’ll terrorize again, so why help you out?
You know, in a way, you’re right. It is a farce. You guys are pretty focused; on one thing, and one thing only: The continuing murders of innocent Jewish men, women, and children. Israel and the rest of the world (let’s leave out the Middle East for all intents and purposes) know this, too. You aren’t fooling anybody (let’s leave out Colin Powell and commie hippies for all intents and purposes). So, yeah, it is a farce. The moment you give in to your murderous temptations again, there will be another war between you and Israel, and Israel will romp you – God willing – and take back those towns they are giving to you.
(If you enjoyed this fisking, you can read more of my posts @ [Think About It])
Now that you say it… No sign for Arab or even any Muslim-related.
I start feeling ignored…
No… I start feeling racism…
No… My membership heer must be in fact in life danger…
This website must be ruled by fanatical zionists…
Upto now they didn’t discover that I’m the enemy in twofold: Muslim and, o horror, Arab.
I think it is my late mother’s European side that has kept me alive here.
Must be. I’m considering to quickly change my membername and start acting even more undercover.
Suggestions to find an acceptable one are welcome.
Haha, I didn’t realize that this discussion board was filled with a load of commie hippies. It’s a shame that you all adhere to the child-murdering ilk, namely the Palestinian Arab terrorist groups. Maybe you should go join them? I’m sure they’re regrouping and rearming right now for another suicide bombing on innocent Jews…dipshits.
Note, also, that there’s another smilie which uses a Yiddish word (I believe “putz” is Yiddish, no?); the Zionist conspiracy once more raises its ugly head.
Thank Allah for the Coalition of Commie Hippies (Colin Powell, Pres.) for revealing this treachery to the world.
Krillan , now you’ve been set straight as to the Straight Dope being a refuge for commie hippie child murderers, can we safely assume you’re going to go away.
It’s not. It’s filled with people who can recognize a position which so blatantly misrepresents both positions throught strawman arguments, false dilemmas and a variety of other obvious logical flaws that there’s no more point in bothering to refute it than there is arguing with the “faked moon landing” people.
Maybe you should learn to construct a better argument? It is possible to view the world in other than strict black-and-white terms, you know.
Colin Powell is shmuck to believe that this “road-map to peace” will ever end the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. No, the only thing that will end it is Israel wiping Palestine off the map, because nothing except termination will stop the palestinian arab terrorist groups from doing what they were taught to do since they were toddlers: murder innocent jews.
Try to let go of your religious beliefs for once and look at the big picture: Palestinian terrorists murder Jews. As the religion that claims to be “the religion of peace”, surely you’d refute what your Palestinian terrorist buddies are doing…but that’s besides the point, right? I’ve never witnessed such hipocrisy in my life than that I’ve seen of the Muslim religion – a religion that uses itself as an excuse to murder innocent people. Sorry, but I think that advocating for what the palestinian terrorist groups are doing is just making you people look worse and worse and worse…
You mean, when an Israeli asks a Palestinian to surrender for killing 19 Israelis and the Palestinian starts a gunfight and the Israelis have no choice but to return fire? I didn’t know that was considered murder…thanks for the enlightment.
“Four legs gooood, two legs baaaad.” Note that I’m a racist Colin Powell-loving hippie Commie for implying that Israelis have four legs while Palestinians have only two.
Krillan, nobody’s even debating with you, you’re just spitting at all the people unfortunate enough to open this thread. Now that you’ve discovered what liberal fiends we are, go tell the world! Just don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
What about when Israeli soldiers shoot pre-teens for throwing rocks at tanks or summarily execute Palestinians for being outside after curfew? That’s self defence isn’t it?
Anway I know someone whose in Palestine right now, here’s a couple of his reports: