Paper Cowboy Hats or the infamous @ss gasket - a poll

Our office restroom has a dispenser for those paper toilet guards that can be used to “protect” you from anything lurking on the seat surface. These are informally known around here as “Ass Gaskets” or the “Paper cowboy hat”.

I can’t stand these things - it’s like sitting bare-bottomed on the Doctor’s examination table - slippy & crackly. Yet I hear people dispense these things all the time in the stall as after they close the door.

So - a poll - do you use these things?

I haven’t used one in years.
Used to use 'em every time. Moved to Europe where they don’t exist. Went back to the States broken of the ass-gasket habit.
I’ve never caught anything at all. Anything you’d really need to fear is not going to be stopped by tissue paper anyway.
I think they’re a waste of paper and time.

I use them whenever I’m in a place that has them. I am fully aware that they can’t really stop you from getting anything that you wont get from a bare seat, I realize that catching anything from a bare seat is slim to none, but I just like the feeling of sitting bare bottomed on cold paper.

I usually layer them, but then again I am slightly anal…I usually use the squat and hover method, but if I have to sit, it has to be covered.


I never use them. I usually check the seat and wipe it, if necessary. The paper ring seems pretty pointless. In fact, we’ve got them here at work and they never seem to run out, so I don’t think anyone uses them.

I have to admit, I never heard the term “ass gaskets” before I came to the SDMB. It seems to be as good a disparaging term as any.

I never use them. But I AM awfully proud to have been the one to introduce the “paper cowboy hat” term to the boards.

There has to be visible evidence of something I’d rather not sit in for me to use one. And even if there is I’m more likely to wipe the seat off with TP. I’ve been known to grab a few from the airport bathroom to keep my son entertained on long flights (by twisting them into a variety of hats, not by sitting on them - If you’ve ever seen Harry Anderson’s stand=up routine in which he maniplates a circle of felt into many different hats all of them can also be made with the 'gasket)

Pardon the pun, but I’ve always felt that anybody who actually uses these things must be a bit, well, anal



I wipe the seat, spit on it a few times, and wipe it again thoroughly. No, I don’t think my saliva is a magic disinfectant, I just feel better doing it. I never use the paper thing - just don’t like it…
