The Phantom Ass Gasket strikes again

Okay, I can understand some people wanting to use the little paper covers for a public toilet seat. I’m not putting anyone down for being afraid of ass cooties even in a pretty clean workplace restroom.

But there’s this guy. The provided Sani-Butt® ass gaskets aren’t good enough for him. He takes paper towels and covers the toilet seat with them. That wouldn’t be so bad except he freaking leaves them there. I will not clean up after someone else when it comes to this. Even worse, the first time I saw the paper towel ass gasket there was a sizable brown stain on one of them. :eek:

We need an “about to hurl” smiley.

Do you know who it is?

I’d come right out and ask him to clean up after himself after he takes a shit.

It’ll probably embarass him more than you.

Ukk. That pig needs a swirly.

What, was he raised by a pack of napkins?

seriously, that’s sick. you’d think that a man that anal (:smack:) about ass gaskets would be considerate enough to preclude the spreading of ass germs by disposing of his own skid-marked paper towels. :eek:

seriously, that’s sick. you’d think that a man that anal (:smack:) about ass gaskets would be considerate enough to preclude the spreading of ass germs by disposing of his own skid-marked paper towels. :eek:

He remains unidentinfied as it’s the single men’s room on this floor of our corporate building, used by at least 50 people.

Get the number for whoever does the cleaning for your building and call them out EVERY TIME this happens … that’ll start costing SOMEBODY a lot soon enough.

Just imagine the resulting corporate memo … :: wincing smiley ::

Large notices printed in nifty fonts and posted liberally around the bathroom, asking that the unknown offender (describe the offense. It’s likely that most of the people using the bathroom know already) please clean up after himself.

Isn’t that discriminatory? One facility for single men and another for married men? What do engaged guys do, much less those who get divorced? Can’t you guys just have a friggin’ bathroom and be civil about it?

Well?? :rolleyes: