Pardon me while I gloat, but...

It occurs to me that I never got around to rubbing it in to all the believers that the Blair Witch Project was nothing but crude though overwhelmingly effective hucksterism. Yes, I know you’ll all deny now that you used to swear up and down that it really happened, just like people who used to claim to have been into the `grunge look’ before it got popular now deny having ever been into it. But through the mists of your denial, deep inside your pliable minds, you know that you are a bunch of all-day suckers. They played you like a kazoo and got rich doing it. You thought you were much smarter than the skeptics who kept telling you it was a hoax, but in fact you were then and you are now a jackass. Heeeee haaaaaaw! HEEEEE HAAAAAAW!

Yeah … you sound a lot like I did right after I saw that piece of crap (except for the donkey impersonation of course.)

I was really pissed that people could be so stupid as to espouse that garbage as truth. And said so on this very board, many times in fact. Diane and yours truly are the official Blair Witch haters of the SDMB … it is my assertion that that movie sucked baboon ass through a beer bong.

I don’t remember anyone specific around here who really bought into it, but seem to recall there were a few here and there … Not hearing too much about it nowadays are we? now that Oscar’s near. Good riddance, I say.

I’m a loner, Dottie … a rebel.

I liked the movie, as much for what it represented in real life as for its content, but I never believed it was real. All that hype over a documentary? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. And besides, by the time I actually got around to seeing it, it had already been picked apart and dissected into oblivion by the media.

And it just so happens I was into the grunge look years before it was popular. I came to school every day with my hair unbrushed, big holes in my jeans, and more often than not, the same shirt I had worn the previous day, and I got laughed at. When suddenly, one day, I was hip…

An infinite number of rednecks in an infinite number of pickup trucks shooting an infinite number of shotguns at an infinite number of road signs will eventually produce all the world’s great works of literature in Braille.

I thought the movie was terrific, meself. but I’d read about it in Entertainment Weekly many months before it became a big deal and long before the website was up. Thus I never had a chance to be caught up in the hype; I was amazed at what a Thing it turned out to be.

Had I come across the website before I’d heard anything, would I have believed it was real (the disappearance part, anyway)? I’d like to think not, but I don’t know.


I’m not sure who you’re gloating over, Johnny. Here are three threads on Blair Witch from about the time it came out. You won’t find many of the credulous posting:


It came up a lot on Snopes a while back – that’s where I first heard of it, back when I was a regular there. At one point they’d get a post about it a month – some gnut claiming they saw the footage and it must be real. Eventually they were getting on the order of two threads about it a day. I’ve come to wonder whether the posts on Snopes were part of the hype. Maybe I’m getting too cynical. But what’s so gratifying about this is that it was very much like so many other debunkings, with the believers still holding fast and insisting that we were skeptical just because we didn’t get enough hugs as children, and then they finally came to know that we were right.

Oh yeah? Can you also recite the history of Doc Martens as proof that you’re not merely partaking of a trend, but that the brand has been the choice of cool people for decades? All the other grungeniks I’ve known had a speech almost exactly the same, word for word. I think it was written by some exec. at Doc Martens. =)

Oh, and five free Gen-X points to anybody who gets defensive when I refer to Nine Inch Nails as `pop!’

Excuse me? Someone actually believed BW was real?



Yep, since '79, and still, to this day.

1)You mean all I needed to be truly Grungy was a pair of Docs? And here I thought it was a state of being.

2)Writing and production credits are on the BW video box…and given immediately after the movie ends.

3)I saw Heather Donahue in US magazine a few issues back.

“…being normal is not necessarily a virtue. It rather denotes a lack of courage.”

I liked the movie, but knew it was just a movie.

I was a hippie in 1972, quit high school and started hitch-hiking around the country. I was pretty grungy!

If chickens could pee, they would be wet on the bottom.

Saw a lot of hype about the movie…never saw the movie so I didn’t believe it was real to begin with. My son said it was a terrible movie.

“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda

Senior Intern to
El Presidente
Self-Righteous Clique *

I still haven’t seen BW, but I’ll admit that I thought “Fargo” was based on a true story until someone here set me straight.

How come if they borrowed/stole the best camera at school it didn’t have a stabilizer on it?

How come she has clearly applied fresh make-up several days into the trip?

How come the guy in the corner is killed and then the one in the middle (in violation of the tale)?

How come this piece of shit got rave reviews?

Oh, well. We can always make more killbots.

I did like Blair Witch, and as far as following fashion…you aren’t a sucker for doing that.

Well maybe but not just grunge but any fashion really…


“Mother Mercy, can your loins bear fruit forever?/Is your fecundity a trammel or a treasure?”
-Bad Religion

I saw Blair Witch (free tickets) but I would not be able to saw whether it’s decent or not, or whether it’s scary or not. I spent a great deal of the movie with my eyes closed trying to stave off motion sickness. Yeah, I had heard that people had had problems with it, but silly me had it in my head that since I haven’t had a problem with motion sickness since I was around 12, that I wouldn’t have a problem.

I would just like to chime in that I am slightly disappointed that I can neither defend the movie nor trash it as dreck. I feel so left out. :wink:

Kat, I get motion sick playing Nintendo, so I feel for you. I wonder if Dramamine works for movies?