Pat Robertson says something stupid

I know. Who would have seen it coming?

Earlier this week, a viewer contacted The 700 Club, asking for advice. She said her husband had cheated on her with another woman and she was having difficulty trusting him.

Robertson gave some sage advice:

So there it is, gals. If your husband cheats on you, you have nobody to blame except yourself.

Sounds to me like Robertson is setting up something for later.

Maybe he has cheated, it’s about to come out, and he wants to show “It’s just a man thing” and “God forgives sinners.”

You could start a Stupidest Thing Pat Robertson Said Today thread. But isn’t this some of the same stupid stuff he’s said before?

Isn’t there like some rock with some inscriptions and shit that’s supposed to be kinda sorta important to Christians? Or is that shit flexible?

Maybe, but considering that Robertson is nearly 84 years old, I think it’s more likely that he’s just losing his grip. Not that I agreed with anything much he said in his earlier years either, but I’m going to reserve judgement on whether he’s really fully responsible for what he says at this point.

Hell, he publicly rejected Young-Earth Creationism recently, and that didn’t sit too well with his fanbase. I think he may just be going kind of random.

He’s trying to be hip with the biological reality that males of many species - including humans - have an general, innate drive to squirt their sperm into as many females as possible.

His conclusion and delivery is a bit wacky-blame-the-victim, but I don’t believe he’s wrong about the bald fact that men want to have sex with women - lots of women.

More context:

Under those conditions, it’s not bad advice.

I think, more likely, he has cheated, and been caught! These are perhaps the arguments he used at the time? 'Cause he’s handsome, provides food and a home and is nice to the kids! It worked for him so he’s just doing the Christian thing and sharing what worked for him! That’s my guess anyway.

That’s not what I got out of the bit you quoted. What I got out of it was, if your husband cheats on you, it’s his natural tendency as a man to be a horndog that is to blame.

Was this really the best you could come up with for something stupid Pat Robertson said?

But he’s a MAN and he has these TENDENCIES. You don’t expect a man to resist temptation, do you?

A lot of women are not completely dependent upon their husbands to provide for them. In some cases, it’s the woman who is providing more income for the family…or who is the sole provider. I have to wonder if it’s OK for a woman to cheat if she’s bringing home most of the bacon?

If the question is “Is it okay for a man to cheat on his wife?” the bit you quoted from Pat Robertson is a Bad Answer. But if the question is, “How can I, a woman who has been cheated on but wants to forgive and rebuild my marriage, get past the anger?” what you quoted might be a perfectly appropriate response to that woman. This is assuming the marriage is worth saving and that the man is also doing his part to repent and rebuild the marriage.

And quit making me defend Pat Robertson. :mad:

You make it sound like men are cheating with other men. That does happen, but let’s be honest here: men cheat with other women, not one other “woman” who just gets around whole lot. Do the math.

I once quit my job because of that bastard. I was working in advertising at the time, and Robertson was running for President. Somehow, out company got the job of doing production for his campaign (layouts, photo shoots, copywriting, typesetting, etc.). When it got to me, I refused to work on it. I made it clear that I was willing to work on any other account, in any capacity, but I would not work for Pat Robertson’s Presidential campaign. I was given the choice of quitting or getting fired. I quit.

The only thing wrong with what he’s saying is the stereotypical portrayal of women as 1950s homemakers dependent on their husbands. Otherwise his advice is good for both the goose and the gander. It’s the kind of thing you’d expect your old senile grandfather to say. And I still think he’s been saying stuff like this for years.

Maybe he just started watching Mad Men.

I despise Pat Robertson and kudos to you for quitting.

But your employer would have been perfectly within their rights to fire you. Employees don’t get to pick and choose like that.

Unless they’re pharmacists. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if you would make a similar decision today.

As for me, I love watching douchebag Republicans spending gobs of money and getting nothing to show for it. Being able to collect some of the gobs for myself would be an added benefit AFAIAC. :smiley:

I was going to mention them but didn’t want to go off of the OP.

This thread should have been closed after the OP. I mean we all know that Robertson says crazy stupid shit all the time. What else needs to be added? And, panache45, you should have agreed to work on the campaign. Think of the fun you could have had putting in subliminal messages in his campaign material! Using steganography to hide erotic images, backward masking of satanic messages and so on. It could have been fun sabotaging his campaign from the inside.