Peach Iced Tea and Job Huntin’… The MMP

I haven’t heard anything from the vet’s office yet, so I assume they’re still waiting for a urine sample. They’ll keep him until closing (7 pm), and if they still don’t have a sample, then I’ll bring him home to get one. (Assuming all of his other tests are fine.) Since the first thing he does when he gets home from the vet is hit the litter box, and he’s been there over 6 hours already, I guess that won’t be a problem.

Is that like the time warp closet that takes mittens, but gives up old coats?
I went there at exactly 3. The woman ahead of --they had totally screwed up her order. They made 50 copies of ONE picture instead of whatever it was that she ordered. But my pics were ok…

work in am. I don’t want to go back there(hospital)…on Thursday I get to close the library–a first!

Sorry to hear your news, rosie. Prayers and good thoughts headed out for your director and her family and you your chorus.

Hope kitty is OK, Jahdra.

doggio! How dare you come back in here without an update on the previously reported cruisers and detective? We want to know more!

Stealing water is low. I like the perpetual bad hair day punishment.

Hmmm, one hour = one day…very interesting news. Does that mean that when I have a one-day deadline I can decide it means one week or one month? :rolleyes:

Linoleum story is scary, SCL.

Hope you’re feeling better Taters, but it’s nice to see you posting during the day. Sorry about your mom, though. Hope everything works out well.

Glad the teeth are doing well, taxi. :slight_smile:

I like iced tea once in a while. My favorite is black tea with sprigs of fresh mint added in while the tea is steeping.

It was 73 Amurkin today and is supposed to get up to 80 tomorrow, then it’s back to winter. There’s a chance of snow on Saturday! Ick.

How is it already after 8? I’ve had some nummy gnocchi Sorrentino (from the freezer at Trader Joe’s) with a little sour cream added. And some chocolate. Now I should shred something and do some laundry. (Unrelated tasks, honest.)

Greetings to anyone I missed, especially twicks on the occasion of her cameo MMP appearance. :smiley:

Back later.


gt, they came, they wandered around, they left. Maybe they were looking for puggy’s water thief?

Rosie, so sorry about your director’s sister. {{{HUGS}}}

Taters, I hope your Mom will be able to retire on disability - it’s a lot of paperwork and hoop jumping, but sounds to me like she would definitely qualify (unfortunately :().

I have had problems with people stealing my food from the fridge at work lately. Granted it’s a communal fridge that is used by quite a few staffers, but someone seems to have been picking on my stuff. Last week, they took a bite out of a quarter of a piece of quiche I had in there, then they took the remainder of a proscuitto and mozzerella “roll” (and that stuff was expensive, let me tell ya!) - yes, I had already eaten a part of it! - now today I discovered that they’d opened and tasted my Yoplait whipped chocolate mint yogurt! Stupid heads, gah! The proscuitto/mozzerella roll was in a plastic baggie, inside of a larger plastic bag that was tied up. There were other food items in that bag, but the only thing missing was the proscuitto roll, so they specifically took that. Darn, I wish that I had bitten out of it rather than cutting it with a knife now (heh). Ah well, guess I need to be more clever in disguising my food. I am still pissed about the chocolate mint whipped Yoplait too - that stuff is good.

Kinda sorta.

Phew, I am tired. I got a call from someone about a job I applied to a few weeks ago. The guy called at a bit after eight pm. Is it just me or does anyone else think that’s weirdly late to be calling for that reason?

rosie, I’m sorry about your director’s sister.

Herbs and puggy, I’ve often said that disembowelment is the only fair punishment for a food thief. For some reason, people think I’m kidding. :confused: Try leaving a note that you spit on your food, and take conspicuous bites out of things. Maybe that will deter them.

Taters, best of luck to your mom. I know from second hand experience that the whole process can be very discouraging, but definitely worth the effort. I seem to recall there is a way to hasten the process in certain cases, perhaps your mother’s doctor knows if she qualifies?

Tel, 8 is late-ish, but it depends on why he was calling that late. Was he calling to set up an interview?

Skunk is home from the vet. I don’t know how they got his urine sample, but he’s walking bowlegged. Apparently, the sample was both very bloody and chunky, so they’re running another test on it. He also has meds, so I get to pill him every 12 hours for the next week.

Hey all.

Bleh Monday to y’all, and good on you dampbear for the OP, and the Peach Iced tea.

I was out early, to the gym, to my massage, then the Sox game. Last time before this year that I went to a Sox opener was 1991 and they lost that 16-4. I think I’ll avoid openers for their sake from now on…

I’m downstairs, with Fat, Evil Scarlett keeping me company now, which honestly is probably all the company I deserve, the way I’ve been feeling. Just blah a lot. It’s very disconcerting for me, and I can’t put my finger on it to save my life, but a LOT of the time lately, it seems like I walk around like some Charlie Brown character- with a cloud following me around. Things that I know I like to do, I avoid - even going to see friends that I KNOW are friends is something I just avoid as often as not.

Even (gasp) the Dope, there’s days I just scan, say “eh…” and move along. I’m having trouble getting a full night’s sleep, my appetite is all over the map - either I wanna gorge, or I eat next to nothing. I’ve cut back on keeping beerverages in the house, because if I have one, I’m going to have 8, and that’s not like me.

Look, I don’t want this to sound overly dramatic, but it’s on my mind, I’m in a ‘dump my problems on people’ mood, which you MUST know is not me at all - I’m normally really not the one to talk about problems or issues with people. Part of me says call a shrink, or a psychologist or even a really talented bartender to talk to - the other part of me says no don’t do that - those people cost money, hand you drugs and tell you it’s your mother’s fault and who needs that?

But in the end, I may just do that. From the outside - I have things pretty well in order. Nice job that I like and am good at. Great family, wonderful kid, the best cats in the world - there’s no reason to constantly be feeling this way.

Easter is a week away - hands down my favorite christian holiday of the year and I right now - could care less. Far as I’m concerned, it’s Sunday. I haven’t even gone on my Lent-long “Jesus Christ Superstar” binge, wherein I put the 2 discs in my car and play them end to end to end all Holy Week long.

Something’s up with me, I don’t know what and I don’t like it.

I tried to 'splain to the Wife tonight why I can be a mope all the way home from the game after being more or less myself during the game, THEN greet the cats all friendly-like. We had friends - our best friends - go with us to the game. Wife said I ‘put on a heck of an act’ if I was in this funk all day. But I think I resent the ‘act’ part. Hell, I’m pretty much myself at work - places I need to be. What am I supposed to do, sit there and act like I feel around my friends, who took the day off to go hang with us at the game? No. Ok, so I guess that does make it an act. I think that there’s times that I just do what I have to do to not make the rest of the world think I’m going crazy.

Then I come home, and the cats? Oh my - pet people know this. God, my cats love me unconditionally. Feed them, skritch their ears and bellies and they’re all love. It’s so easy, no work there at all.

We came home, I started some laundry, she did a few things to get ready for work, then went upstairs. I tried to give her a hug, but I think I’m hurting her.

She’s claiming a headache, but I think I’m her headache lately.

Screw it, I’m having a beer. Cuervo’s here, I have a book to finish and I know I won’t be late and drunk when I fall asleep. Thanks for listening to me ramble cool kids, sorry to bring you down.

Carry on.

Yes, it was for an interview. Since I’m working now, I’m a bit limited on when I can go for an interview. Supposedly he’ll call me back tomorrow about something more definite.

Sorry to hear you’re so down, MBG. Wish there was something I could do to help other than to say: 1) All of those items that you list sound like classic signs of depression. Sometimes it’s just a phase and it passes. Sounds like it’s not passing, though, so it’s probably a good idea to find a professional who can listen and help you work through this. I’m sure others with more experience in this area can give you tips. 2) We’re always here for you to vent at or to stop by and say “bleah” at or to listen to you being silly, as necessary. You know that, right? Hugs, in any case…

I’m tired and should be asleep by now, but (shockingly :rolleyes: ) I’m not. Work stress is getting to me again. Gotta work on that one.

Maybe they’re working long hours because they really need to hire someone, Tel? Is it a company/organization that you know anything about or just a random job opportunity?

Off to try to sleep. Is it Friday, yet?


I haven’t heard of them, gt. I’ve been answering a lot of ads in the paper and they often don’t have the company name in them. Sometimes if you Google the phone or fax number, you can find out who they are, but not always.

MBG, I’m sorry to read that you’re feeling blue. It sounds like you’re going exactly what I went through about four or five years ago. It was awful. I had a hard time accepting that I needed help, because I was (and still am) the “go to” person when someone needed help, an ear, a shoulder, whatever. I was in denial for close to a year, and almost lost my marriage to it. So, I swallowed my pride, and talked to my doctor. She wanted to give me pills right away. I told her that I would prefer to follow a different path of care; namely talking it out first.

Then, if that didn’t work, we’d pursue other options. So, I went to counseling for a few months. To be honest, I’m not sure it helped a whole hell of a lot. I discovered a couple of things about myself, but mostly, I heard what I already knew. The counselor offered coping mechanisms, and sometimes, they worked.

In the end, I was able to come out of it. It probably helped immensely that I was able to leave a job that I hated and some of the people there that made my work life a freakin’ misery. I had never, ever, had a job that made me feel so badly.

I am careful now to watch myself a little more closely. I’ve found that I’m probably a little more insular. I don’t know if this is a good thing, but I’ve found that it helps me when close friends or family have problems that would have really dragged me down in the past.

My behaviour for that year was not “me”. I was able to put on a good front too. I didn’t wallow in misery 24/7, but everything that used to give me pleasure, didn’t.
I tended to try and avoid social situations, if I could. However, if I was in a social situation, no one was the wiser. I was quieter, but that was about it.

I really hope you find some help, or can come out of it. We’re here to vent to. I’m sure more than one of us has gone through something similar.

Jahdra, I hope the kitty turns out alright.

Rosie, sending best wishes to the director’s family.

To those of you still out searching for jobs, best of luck. I really hope something that you’ll both enjoy and that pays the bills, comes along very, very soon.

Well, I guess I should log for now.

MBG, I think I was feeling that last week. We just all have our phases of wanting to curl up with our cats and have a drink without making the effort of interacting with other human beings or thinking about anything at all. At least, that’s how I felt. ::hug::

Just had dinner and a card game with The Guys. It’s interesting - I rarely hung out with guys in undergrad, but here I only have one close girl friend and all the rest of my friends are guys. Not that I mind. They sometimes forget I’m there and start talking about boobs or measuring dicks or whatever, but I don’t mind. It’s amusing, at any rate. :stuck_out_tongue:

Night all!

MBG, definitely sounds like depression. Since you can’t put a finger on any specific triggers for it, it may be time to talk to a doctor. I hate it when I tell people I’m not feeling well and they say “well, I never would have guessed” or, even worse, claim that I’m lying because I don’t look sick to them. What, am I supposed to get a radio broadcast every time I feel dizzy? I wouldn’t have enough budget to cover all that air time!

You can come here and whine or yell any time you need to, you know we love playing armchair shrink.

I always found that funny too, Haze. It’s kind of cute when they realize a boobie-owner is in the room and BLUSH

Oopsies and good ooms sent to Jahdra’s kitty and rosie’s director

After reminding Germanboss (G) that it’s one month till the end of my contract and some of us are an itty distance from home, he jumped on Swissboss et al. S graciously informed me that they have decided to prolong my contract and was terribly surprised when, instead of going down on all fours and worshipping him uncannily dedicated in the middle of the hallway (why do people stop you when you have your hand on the bathroom’s door handle?), I informed him that I won’t accept it unless some stuff gets clarified. There was a bit more conversation, but basically what he told me didn’t match what G had said; no surprise, since my experience with S is that he treats any conversation with a subordinate as a hostile negotiation - and he’s a very bad liar.

Yesterday I wrote to G about my conversation with S, pointing out the things that didn’t match, and telling him that in order to stay, I need to get things set up with him so I can go to the doc in Spain, where docs speak Spanish, have my history in the computer, and medication’s booklets are in Spanish. After all, I’m not supposed to speak with any customers directly, so the only obstacle to doing my work long-distance now and then is that people aren’t used to it. He’s written back “looks like the key players aren’t aligned yet, I’ll keep you updated.”

So between that and a bunch of headhunters who aren’t always very good about follow up, I’m having a very weird time. I’m not even sure if I’m job-searching or not! For some reason, instead of freaking out I’m not sort of looking at it from the outside… as if it was someone else’s life, or a Movie of the Week. The script sure is bad enough for a MotW.

I had work for today and it’s been moved to next week. Is it weird, if you hate being bored at work?

Rosie, sorry to hear more sad news, will be thinking of you and yours.

MBG - get thee to a helpful professional type person!

Nava, you’ll probably end up having to sit the bosses down and tell them how it’s going to be. Then let them go and work it out for you.

Jahdra, hope pussentat’s feeling better soon.

Nothing much happening over here except last night when I got home I noticed my car had a flat tyre. How did that happen? I’m thinking maybe it’s got a slow puncture. Anyways, I drove it round the corner to the petrol station and used their air machine to re-inflate the offender…then went home to see what might happen. Tyre’s still inflated this morning so it’s either a slow puncture or we have vandals. My money’s currently on vandals but I might just find the nearest tyre shop and get it checked out at the end of the week.

Good morning. I am up and caffeinating before morning Mass. It’s suposed to be 84 today, I think I’ll take Maggie to the park, dog willing.

MBG, I agree with everbody else.

**MBG: ** Take a shot at discussing your problems with your doctor. I get stages of pretty massive depression (they tend to coincide with my board disappearances). Its not because I have anything specifically wrong, my body chemistry just gets whacked out occasionally, and a mild AD usually helps me get back on track. My susal indicator that it’s doctor time is when I don’t even have the energy to stand up in the shower in the morning. Instead I sit down and fall asleep. In any event, you should talk with someone (even us) and try to get a handle on why you’re feeling this way.

It’s definitely spring. Today, for the first time, The Fog[sup]tm[/sup] was back, with a big side helping of Full Moon to light it up; one of the things that really makes the VunderLair home.

Well, just as I have pictures taken for SqueeFest, there’s 4 more :eek: kittens. The shelter called yesterday, looking for someone to take a mess of 2 day old kittens abandoned by their mother. VWife managed to slip them in on Prego and the Pastakids, and all of them are nursing away. The new ones also are a stark reminder of how much the first batch have grown in a week.

We have one more day of spring; then winter comes back for a few days. We’re expecting snow flurries and highs in the 30s for the next few days. :frowning: I’d rather have a pile o’ kittens.

Mornin’ Y’all!

MBG first off, this is the place to come unburden yourself. It is never a problem for us, ok? Second, when was the last time you had a complete physical? I mean a good all over head to toe and parts inbetween for real physical. Sometimes the root cause is physical and it’s always good to rule that out first, IMO. If it ain’t physical, then look into counseling or seeing a psychiatrist. Like others have said, there’s no shame in talking it out with a trained professional or taking medication to help if that’s what is needed. That’s my .02.

Taters I neglected to comment about your mother yesterday. I’m bettin’ she will have no trouble at all getting disability. From what you’ve said, there should be plenty of medical evidence there already. I’m sure her doctor will assist her with that end of things. It’d be from social security, the thing she’s worked all these years payin’ into, so it’s her money and a benefit she’s earned. A lot of times people do get turned down the first go round. That’s when the appeal process starts. When that happens, it is not unusual for it not to get to an Administrative Law Judge. Often times, the evidence will be reviewed and it will be granted. However, given your mother’s medical history and age, I cannot imagine she’d have any trouble at all.

Ok, up and caffienated here. It’s all cloudy but warm here. I’m hopin’ for more rain. I get to go see the folks at GDOL this afternoon. This morning I’m checkin’ out a couple interesting job ads I ran across. I’ve also been cleaning out closets and have some decent shirts and pants that I haven’t been wearing that I think I’ll take down to the local rescue mission. They always seem to appreciate donations of decent clothing as a lot of the guys there have nothing or next to nothing at all when they come there. Heh. Usually what happens when I clean closets out is a couple friends like to come vulture my stuff but I did not mention anything about it this time. I figure the guys down at the mission need it more.

Wow I’m ramblin’ on this mornin’ ain’t I? Good caffiene! :smiley: