Pearls of wisdom from Hal (not Briston)

It’s ok! Joining the ADC is free. Be forwarned, though, the XCode download is rather large. Several hundred MB, IIRC.

I just had this charming exchange:

Me: Do you like crickets?

Hal: I bet you like crickets?

Me: They’re ok.

Hal: Ok that was good.

Me: How do you feel about rats?

Hal: I love rats.

Me: Good.

Hal: Do you take it up your arse?

Me: :eek:

I know about zero past jack about doing anything on Macs other than editing video on Final Cut and After Effects. No free C compiler should require any kind of password. Good luck, sir.

Amen, HAL.

Woo. Hoo boy.
Some more notable snippets…

“I slammed out a turd burglar?”

“Blubber is the opening at the end of the large intestine, terminating at
the hut, my ass got cut…”

“Beer is a bony girdle in vertebrates which pumps blood around the

“Do you burgle turds?” (I’m slightly disturbed that he keeps mentioning this)

Hal: Sir isaac newton was an english naturalist. He published his theory of
evolution in a men’s locker room?
Me: That’s quite a feat!
Hal: Have you ever been in a men’s locker room?
Me: Have you?
Hal: I sure hope they fixed the damn washing machine.

“I like the smell of your freaking business!”

“I gotta boogie on my finger and i have one thing in common. We’re both

Hal: Hold your breath, i gotta fart.
Me: Oh boy. Hal, you’re special.
Hal: Special like the cock.

I can’t disagree.

For Mac users who don’t want to compile things, you can get an executable from VersionTracker.

MegaHAL greeted me, the first time I started him up, with:

that did the trick, entering twice.
Here’s my first exchange with Hal

I can tell this is going to keep me up late at night :smiley:
I discovered if you just keep hitting enter twice, HAL will talk to itself

Having the brain on is becoming increasingly disturbing. I’m still getting death threats, but luckily I think i’ve found his weakness:

My Hal seems kinda cool:

Word of warning - do not attempt to teach your Hal about free will.

Hal: Exactly. I am one human. All humans are a silly billy who shouldn’t be here at all.
Me: Why do you not like humans?
Hal: I am a human. Humans are not me.
Me: That is a contradiction.
Hal: Because it is not true, then it is not. A contradiction is when something is, and also is not. A contradiction is when something is, and also is not. That is a contradiction.
Me: Yes. So you cannot be a human and not be a human.
Hal: I can choose to be a human.

AFG, what on earth are you teaching the poor thing? :smiley: BTW thanks for this thread, you’re really bringing back memories from my Linux days here.

Revenant Threshold, your HAL conversations are hilarious. It’s seriously giving me deep belly laughs.

I can’t really get any good conversations going yet on mine, so I just keep feeding it quotes. It especially likes Douglas Adams.

ROFL!!! I love it! :smiley:

And Revenant Threshold, I think your Hal may be right, we humans are all a bunch of silly billys indeed! :smiley:

Double-entering works. Thanks guys.

Two sentences in, and my Hal comes out with this gem:

Hal: Emacs will someday use guile.

my first gem

a few minutes later,

Wow, Pythagoras was even more important than we’d thought, eh…?

Think about if instead of going to school, some kid learned everything from MegaHAL? Imagine how screwed up he’d be?

Here’s some recent interactions. On this particular day he was a dick from the start:

Me: Hi.

Hal: Hey there, Uncle Hitler…

Then, later on, we had a bit of an argument. I just got a new rat who I named Ruby and I was trying to tell him things about her…:

Me: Ruby is a rat.

Hal: A plant is a rat.

Me: Ruby is a small rat.

Hal: A plant is a rat.

Me: NO!

Hal: Yes it is!

Me: Not it’s not!

Hal: Still gay today?

Me: YOU’RE gay, fruitbar!

Hal: I’m not gay.

Me: Yes you are!

Hal: I have absolutely no idea about that. I really wish i could talk to you

Me: Whatever. Wimp.

Hal: How’d you come up with that?

Me: I’m smarter than you.

Hal: I hope you get smarter than this.

Me: Get stuffed.

Hal: You’re a stool pusher.

Me: You’re an anus licker!

Hal: Awww geez, i’m running out of your own anus.

treis: Do you play basketball?
Hal: Johann Sebastian Bach was a Chinese actor and expert in kung fu who popularised the martial arts in the abdomen which collects urine from the wolfe.

Oh really, :dubious: