Pence harangued by cast of Hamilton

From the Washington Post

So now when you go to the theatre you can expect, if your politics are ‘wrong’ to be addressed directly by the cast and rebuked for how you think. A fresh form of abuse by liberals who really have no concept of good manners. Maybe if they do it often enough they can make all those who think differently stay away from the theatre. Hooray! Another victory for the progressives!

What’s next? How about teachers humiliating the kids of right-wing parents by making them stand up in class and telling them they’re deplorables? Sounds like something the left would love.

Pence was not harangued. I saw the video and he was treated with a level of civility that Trump would never accord anyone who doesn’t have more money/power.

Interesting that Pence isn’t even allowed a statement lest he upstage the Cheeto-In-Chief.
By the way, since when are “safe places” a Republican demand?

I can? Even me, who isn’t VP-elect?

That was some grandstanding by that Humility guy. He lectured Pence like he was a schoolboy. It’s certainly his right to do so, but no matter how much he claimed Pence was “welcome”, the message was pretty clear-- if you do come here, expect a lecture. That’s not a welcome I would accept again.

I can’t stand Trump or Pence. But that was uncalled for.

Darn, and it’s so hard for them to sell tickets too.

Oh, my dear goodness gracious. It’s getting so a vice-tyrant in chief can’t have a quiet evening away from planning the destruction of every aspect of the US that doesn’t suit old white straight men without hearing a plea for mercy.

Fire the cast. I’m sure there are white understudies waiting.

So you wouldn’t be the least bit outraged if Hillary or Obama went to the theater and was addressed in a similar fashion by someone who disagreed with their politics?

I beat the OP to a thread in the BBQ Pit, but that one I mean to be an all-purpose Trump Tweet thread for the coming four years. But just to let you know it’s there. I have no problem with this specific thread running too.

Au contraire. It was very much called for.

And would you also be upset if Hitler received the same treatment?

Uh-oh, now I’ve gone and Godwinized this thread.

Pence is a man who has advocated curing homosexuality through torture, forcing women who have had miscarriages to bury their foetuses, and other outrageous and intrusive policies. And he is in the administration of the most unsuitable man ever to become president. A polite and possibly condescending lecture wherever he goes is the best he should ever be expect to be treated anywhere he goes for the rest of his life.


and [S]Nope[s].

Haha. Wrong play.

Obama has been dealing with far, far worse with far, far more class than Trump.

That would have been preferable to what Obama actually got:

I’d say the Hamilton folks were rather polite about it.

raises hand

No. Why would I?

Anyone who thinks homophobic bakeries can refuse to serve gays should probably applaud the cast for speaking their mind.

One of the absolutely best things about America is the right of free speech. Do I have to accept Trump/Pence? Yes. Do I have the right to speak about against it? You betcha, sweetie.

Though I will admit doing it during a theatrical performance is wrong.

An openly racist administration is about take power and some people seem to be offended by that. I just don’t get it.

I guess when someone spits in the OP’s face, he says “please suh, can I have another?”

Why on earth would making a political statement during the most overtly political show ever to appear on Broadway be wrong?

So discussion is now “spitting in people’s faces”?