People who aren't vaccinated - what should they be called?

The article says it could be as soon as next week.

For full fda approval for 16+? I thought next week was just the expected date for an EUA for kids 12-15.

The article says Pfizer may apply for full approval next month. The more imminent thing is an EUA for 12-15.

This article talks about a group of people who can’t afford to take the day off from work to get the vaccine or have some logistical problem of getting vaccinated. Like with most things, the poor have less access to what they need. Vaccines are no exception. A graph shows that the less money people have, the less likely they are to be vaccinated.

And this is why I keep saying in the topic about whether it’s ethical to pay someone to get the Covid vaccine:

I’m predicting that in a few months, they will be called ‘uninsured’. The cost of COVID hospitalization is high, and I find it hard to believe that insurance companies won’t soon refuse to pay medical bills, or provide insurance at all, for unvaccinated people.

Well, it looks like the time has come: pretty much everyone who’s going to get vaccinated has now done so. AP-NORC poll: Most unvaccinated Americans don't want shots | AP News

Soylent Green?

Because you know, they are people.

The Great Unvaxxed! The Great Unvaxxed!

Nice word play but not sufficiently disparaging. I’ll stick with “vax avoiders” with the reference to tax avoiders.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard tax avoider before. But what I do hear is tax evader and vax evader would work just as well.

There’s maskholes and vaxholes – often the same people.

Vax evader is better.

The vaccine debate comes up frequently in another site that I am frequently involved in. I see people who are eligible but are not vaccinated fall into 3 categories:
-Antivaxxers - people that simply won’t take vaccines, under any circumstances. They are people that can’t be reached, flat-earth conspiracy types. They make me pessimistic about the future and question why we allow voting.
-People that don’t get good information and/or listen to bad information. They are people that could be convinced, but no matter what information is given, it goes against the narrative being fed to them from other sources, so they end up saying “there is a lot of data and experts on both sides, so I will wait and see.” Even though this is nonsense, they may get there someday. Likely too late to be helpful.
-People that honestly don’t know what to believe. They seem to be reachable, but a small minority.
Its hard not to lump them all in together, especially since the first group is so vocal. I tend to ask people right away if they are against THIS vaccine or all vaccines. If they are against all vaccines, its equivalent to a religious belief and not worth discussing.

Don’t call them anything. Human nature shows us that people will dig in. To Call people who don’t what to get the vaccine NOW any sort of disparaging name is counter productive. To suggest that only muscle car, gun carrying , fly over states people are the only problem .Check the percentage of black and brown that haven’t gotten the shot. How many immigrates at the southern border are COVID positive? I thing vaccines are great but I also asked questions before I got it because in cautious.

If they are so sensitive that they can’t be called out on their reckless and dangerous behavior without having their precious feelings hurt, can we at least call them spoiled brats?

It’s counter productive. Is all. People have concerns. There are people who are the “stop and waits”.

I will not call the illegal s spoilt brats, your term,

At this point, they are the “stop, infect and kill people with the Delta variant and cause mask mandates to be reinstated, and wait, and infect more people…”

What am I supposed to get from that? The US population is 61% white and 12% black and 59% of people who have received at least one dose are white and 10% are black? The “Other” category is going to throw things off, since they are only 2% of the population but represent 8% of those vaccinated (I think? I’m not sure how to read that chart exactly).

Can you summarize what your point is?

I searched for “illegal” on that page and don’t see it.