My roommates and I (who all live in a dorm) are not fans of pop music, but we thought it would be funny to put “Four bad-ass chicks from the Moulin Rouge” on our dry-erase board because there’s four of us and we’re bad-ass.
I come back from class today to find that someone has erased the word “ass.”
This is not a new occurrence, seeing as how this mysterious Profanity Policeman has also erased “piss,” “damn,” and “whore” from our board before.
Now, we’re not insulting people around us. We’re putting up quotes that are either famous or were extremely funny quotes we uttered really late at night. (Funnier to us than others, certainly–but it’s our dry erase board, not theirs.)
I am inclined to think that there are psycho-Christians in my dorm, because I go to a college in the Deep South. However, this is not a Christian college, this is a state college and I thought people would understand that there is likely to be more of a variety of people who think a variety of things that differ from one’s own beliefs, and they can learn to DEAL WITH IT.
I am a Christian, as is my roommate. My suitemates are non-religious for the most part. We don’t see anything wrong with the quotes–one of our RAs has similar quotes.
However, we do see something wrong with people who take it upon themselves to “edit” something that isn’t meant to hurt anyone or be offensive–that’s up on our dry erase board for fun and nothing else.
I know this is not really a very important thing, this is just an example of people that can’t leave well enough alone.
Hey, count yourself lucky you still have a pen! Back in my day (heehee), dry erase markers were a hot commodity, and they usually lasted all of a couple hours before some dork came and stole it.
Have to agree there, very humour-impaired. (except our spelling is different)
My thoughts are, it’s none of their buisness what you write on your board, whether they are christian or not excuses nothing.
Umm that non-suggestion of permanent marker, may I make it a suggestion? That’s if you don’t mind FairyChatMom
Agreed that the erasers are too uptight.
But clarify something for me: Is this your own (and your roommates) private board, or is it in a common area (dorm floor or something)? If it’s a common board, it seems to me that if you have the right to put whatever you want on it, others also have the right to erase stuff if they feel like it.
Well, when I was a sophomore in college, my roommate and I had a dry-erase board on our door, and we were always putting some form of semi-humorous leftist propaganda up there. We came home from dinner one night to find that our across-the-hall neighbors (fascist-conservative football players, and VERY humor-impaired) had written on our board:
“America! Love it or leave it!”
I kid you not.
Therefore, I can’t in good conscience recommend you go with the permanent marker suggestion; it can be turned against you.
Besides, in freshman year, I had a dry-erase board, and the pen ran out, and people were bugging me for weeks to get a new pen. So finally, I did; I wrote on the board: “Look! A NEW pen!!” In what turned out to be permanent marker. People laughed at me for the rest of the year. Those permanent markers are a double-edged sword.
Permanent marker will dissolve with a quick shot of cheap hairspray. Just don’t let anyone catch you cleaning it. That way, your writing is as permanent as you want it to be. Keep the pen with the board the dry-erase style, though, so that only you have the hard-to-remove option.
This is a situation that cries out for more investigation. I believe there may be an alternate interpretation for this incident. In the spirit of fighting ignorance, I hereby volunteer on behalf of SDMB users, to inspect all four of your asses to determine how bad they really are.
Yeah, there’s a huge difference between “I don’t want you doing this” and “you can’t do this.” I’d put up a message saying “F*** off, whoever’s been erasing this board.” Whether you use the asterisks or not is your decision. Dude, you could set up a camera, find out who it is, and do some shite to them… I like revenge, it’s fun!
I’d be tempted to post a sign that said “I understand that some people may be offended by our choice of language on this board. The solution is to NOT READ THE BOARD when you walk by it.”
I mean, I don’t like bestiality movies. Which is why I don’t go watch movies with bestiality in them. If I watched, I’d be offended. It’s a wiser course of action than to try to censor them, preventing people whose tastes run that direction from enjoying the sight of someone humping their dog on the big screen.
If your hallmates find themselves to be regularly offended by colorful language on your door, they can avert their eyes when they walk by.
Wait, you don’t have this board on a big accordian-fold arm that jumps out and thwacks them on the forehead when they pass, do you? Because then this wouldn’t work.
I’m baffled… how do you know if a board message is offensive without reading it?
I would put a bit of wisdom everyday including the word ass a lot like “Some asses can only be reached with a slap” or “Whatever the jeans some asses will never look good because the hole has taken over” or “he who wipes other’s asses find himself holding other’s shit” or “plant a tree, raise a child and turn ass wisdom into an art form”.
Tapswiller, the thing is that it’s OUR board on OUR door. Other people can write on them–I write notes to my friends in the dorm to tell them to call me if they’re not in and I need to talk to them–and most people put quotes on theirs. I don’t go around erasing other people’s stuff because I don’t like it, and I’d at least expect the same courtesy.