People with unfortunate names

My father went to school with a girl named Lauren Kunce. And Debbie Fuchs. I’ve seen them in the yearbook.

Oh, we have a teacher named Mrs. Butt (yes she has a huge ass).

Maybe Tawny? (knew a girl with that name in high school… not sure she got teased, though)

I know of a couple of girl kids named Ocean, and a man named Ocean. (he was the MC at my friend Susan’s wedding last year)


My mom loves to tell of the girl she went to school with – Sue Pigg

My dad knows a woman named Joan who married some dude with the last name Jones. She wound up being Joan Jones. That count?

There were once three Filipino brothers, surname Silva, who lived in Hawaii. Their names were Sterling, Quick, and Hiyo.

I never believed they were real until one of them (I can’t remember which) was in a Street Fighter II tournament I happened to be watching.

In a 1970’s commercial for a chicken-frying aid, a woman named Toppie Smellie was interviewed, and declared that she could describe Oven-Fried-enhanced poultry in two words.

Anna Likapantis
Dick Hacking
Chuck Flood
Roland Stone
Richard Face
Amber Foster (you may need to be Australian to appreciate that one)

I know two people with similarly unfortunate names, one by marriage and one had it inflicted on him by his parents. The first is a woman named Shannon who married a guy whose last name is Shannon. Yes, she goes by Shannon Shannon.

The other is a good friend of my father, named Donald McDonald. I understand the poor guy came in for a lot of teasing in school.

My friend’s sister married a man named Richard Holder. Yes, he’s heard all the jokes…

Recently met a girl named Candida Bologna. To be named after a yeast infection and a luncheon meat…the horror.

Heidi Hai
Valda Reeh

Truly. Valda is the mum of a friend, she got that name by marriage. Heidi works with my partner.

Around elementary school, I met two twins a few times through one of my friends. The name of the twins’ father: Lucius Butts. Often mispronounced “luscious”.

Airline passenger names:

Eino Onka
Hugo Rabbit
Stella Fellacio
Mimi Beaver

Went to high school with a guy named Charlie Brown (and yes, he truly was a “Charlie Brown” kind of guy).

Worked for a basketball coach named William W. Williams. Three guesses at what the “W.” stands for, and the first two guesses don’t count.

First job outta’ college, hospital. Several doctors: Dr. Butts (proctologist) and Dr. Winkle (urologist).

Currently play hockey with another doctor: Dr. Payne.

Paige Turner.

My father had a surgeon named Dr. Gouge.

Dr. Buttram
Richard Hair
The Pissy family.

I know a mother who named her child Blessed A Miracle.

My only thought is if that girl grows up and marries a man with the last name Whip :smiley:

Oh, good. Then I don’t have to be embarrassed to admit that we laughed at Father Heiney’s name behind his back, when I was in second grade. Unfortunate name for a really nice guy.

Come to think of it, we got a lot of mileage out of Monsignor Dinkel’s name, too. And Father Gross’. And, uh, that was the whole crew at the rectory, actually. Makes me wonder if the bishop had a weird sense of humor…

In our mahs department at school Miss Tickle and Miss Pink worked together. In the French department Mr Gore And
Mr Slashe worked together. Happy times.