Period Parties?

I did not read an ounce of snark into the OP. Disbelief maybe.

Parties to celebrate a first period? OK.

Making those parties over-the-top blood-themed? A little weird.

(I am a male so no first-person experience but I have a daughter who got her first period about 12 years ago so I kind of know what’s going on. We did not have a party.)

I’d like to see a First Wet Dream party for guys.

He’s literally listing things the articles recommend for food and activities at these parties. How is that snarky?

If you honestly, sincerely did not intuitively get that I was making a sarcastic, snide little joke (weak as it may have admittedly been) aimed at those who might ACTUALLY react in that boorish, stereotypical “Them uppitee, Wimmin’s Libber dames these days sure can’t take a little joke, eh?” that enlightened people of both sexes have been skewering since long before Dabney Coleman’s Male Chauvinist Pig role in “9 To 5”, I am truly sorry.

Perhaps everyone could dress up in giant hoop skirts, and talk about how they’re “feeling unwell” and “it’s that time of the month” and “my Aunt Susan–you know, dear, my aunt with the red hair–is in town” and throw in a few dark allusions to “the curse of Eve”. Then someone could swoon.

You know–a Period Period Party.

It already is the party. Waking up after a fun time you don’t remember with an annoying and confusing mess.

I don’t imagine Colonel Angus will be invited to this one.

With soft-serve vanilla ice-cream?

I’m sorry, but wow I thought it was cool to get my first period (like, “yeah, I’m growing up – woohoo!!!”), I would’ve died if my mother had done something like this.

[Carl]I don’t need no Excuse! To Party![/Carl]

Sure, he’s invited. Just has to use the back door.

Could be worse–you could have been forced to swallow a whole boiled egg.

When I was in high school, Mr. Rinaldi said a lavish period party was an old Italian custom, but his daughter told him if he threw her one, someone would be dyin’.

I once innocently held up a big package of pads in a department store and said, “HON, IS THIS THE RIGHT KIND?” Let me tell you, oppressed people don’t appreciate it when you fight stigma.

You quoted me then made a PMS “joke”. I was supposed to “intuitively get” that you were making fun of other people?

Females get subjected to these “jokes” throughout their lives, again and again. You obviously DO know that, but somehow you don’t know that telling a PMS joke won’t go over well, at the very least.

So I’m the only one who thought this thread was titled “Period Panties.” Ok.

Well gee, I can’t IMAGINE why. :rolleyes:

I saw the thread title and immediately thought, “Wait, women are using the fact they’re having a period as an excuse to party? On the one hand, sweet! Any excuse to party is good, and having a party every 28 days is even better, you can’t have too many parties. But wait, would you only be invited if you had your period that specific day? Wouldn’t that be kind of restrictive? Not to mention that men would never be invited, not that men need to be invited to every party or anything (though I personally would feel a bit sad at being left out).”

Now, having read the thread a bit and realizing that it’s a party to celebrate a girl’s first period, and only her first period, my reaction is, “not enough parties”.

It was pretty obvious to THIS female that s/he was making a joke making fun of other people.

If the goal is too avoid being thought of as insensitive, then I’m not sure the effectiveness of the tactic of saying “I have a lot of snark, but I’m not going to say it because I’ll be seen as being insensitive.”

Yes, you didn’t directly write your snark, but directly stating that the (only?) reason you didn’t out was to avoid being labeled as insensitive isn’t going to convice many others.

See, my immediate thought was what this thread actually ended up being about. But then I quickly though, oh, pulykamell, you idiot, they mean “period parties” as in a “period piece” or “period costume.” And then, lo and behold, the first interpretation ended up being correct.

Well, huh. How 'bout that. Odd concept to me, but, hey, any reason to have a party is good enough for me.

I’ve been seeing people talking about these for a day or two, and this is exactly what I thought. I never clicked, but there seemed to be some air of controversy about them, and I thought maybe someone had, I don’t know, an antebellum-themed party where some questionable choices were made.