
Just wanted to let y’all know that Persephone’s computer took a big fart and decided to not work. She wanted me to post the fact until I can get over there to fix it (most likely tomorrow).

Until then, she’s incommunicado. Unless, of course, you know her telephone number :stuck_out_tongue:



Perse is a dear.

This really has nothing to do with the OP, i just don’t think it gets said enough. :slight_smile:

Well, I used to have her phone number, but I lost it, just like I lose everything else in this house. It’s okay, as long as she isn’t gone too long.

well, poo…


Just a joke of course… yeeesss… we all know she’s a sweetie!! :slight_smile:

Persephone, you can come up here this weekend and use my computer … :wink:

(Shit … she’s betrothed.)

Why are all the good pagans taken? :smiley:

I’m not, Milo. :wink:


I’m back. Muahahahahahaha…

xploder just spent about 4 hours here, getting me up & running again. It involved a lot of coffee and cursing, but my computer is functional. He put in a new hard drive, installed Windows98, some other nifty little functiony stuff, and AOL (thank Goddess I had a CD laying around that hadn’t yet been used as a coaster).

I’m so HAPPY! Woohoo!

Now I’ve just got to pay my AOL bill so I don’t get booted again…

Anyhoo, what have I missed? :smiley:
