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Yoshi looks like a teddy bear!

The budgie crew (Deadbeat Dad (the turquoise one in the middle) has flown on to the great millet farm in the sky)

Hannah, my hiking buddy.

Heckle Speckle Johnson, one of 4 African Dwarf frogs. The others are Saddle Paddle Hickenbottom, Thor’s Hammer and Corona.

It looks like NJ cow cats have that crazy white nose stripe to the side. :slight_smile:

They do appear to be relatives. We refer to Sammy as a cowcat also. Though as he likes to play fetch, he also gets called puppycat.

We did finally settle on the bird’s name. We chose Misty.


One look and I’m running for the treat jar.

Do they ever gang up on the cat?

Hannah, my hiking buddy.

I’d follow her anywhere.

If I knew what African Dwarf frogs ate I’d run for their treat jar too. Those eyes!


Luna, as mentioned, is a rescue dog :dog2:, meaning that she may have some adjustment issues… like her penchant for chewing:

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You don’t see it in the above, but there’s a $95 check in that UPS envelope, largely destroyed and needing replacement.

Luna? What do you have to say for yourself? Looks like she is sorry:

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Well, I had to get the check back and, because it was a mistake in the first place, had to get it made out in my name. So I sent a letter:

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They replied about 2 weeks later… with a box!

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And in that box…

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I’m not crying, you’re crying!

Wow! That made my day! :smiley: :cry: :smiley:

Mine too! (And my rescue grand dog is a chewer like that too).
After she chewed up several purses (mine) and quite a few blankets, including a weighted one (glass beads, can’t have tasted very good, but at least the mess sure was fun to clean up), my son got her soft muzzles for whenever he was sleeping or she was in her crate while he was at work. Worked and she quickly got used to them.

The late great Rats Domino
Pets , cuddles, skritches ,and treats for all!
Oh, and JohnT ? That’s just awesome!

Another possible caption: “If you like them so much, YOU sleep in them!”

Thanks for that heart warming story, JohnT!

Bobby and Mort are working on the canine/feline relationship.

Their first meeting last year didn’t go well and Mort’s been pretty skittish of Bob. Bob wants nothing more than to play with Mort and Mort is beginning to cool. Bob is allowed downstairs whenever he wants (except for when Mort is eating), but Mort never comes upstairs if Bob’s around.

But he’s cooling …

Waiting for his buddy:

Please come out and play:

What a great story, @JohnT! Good on them for that wonderful response.

My dog (Sam, in the photo above) once chewed up a debit card. I called the company for a replacement, and they said they would, but asked if I would send in a photo of Sam with the card to add to their wall of shame. Apparently, it happens all the time. :joy:

Luna, excited about going for her first taste of brisket:

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She’s been car-trained, it appears:

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Our beautiful girl!

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Luna loved the brisket, liked the sausage, and has her eyes on other Tejas traditions:

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Sometimes we get bored:

I would look that excited too if you were taking me for Texas brisket.

Well, dang-- that toy needs to make some kind of effort. I can’t do it all.