That would be Monkey, who is polydactyl (extra toes).
He has thumbs on each front paw, and each thumb has its own bonus thumb. Hard to explain, makes much more sense when you see them.
And yes, as can be seen, each extra toe-bean is fully and functionally clawed.
(I was gently hand-wrestling with him with my phone nearby when he “caught” my hand, and I thought, “That’d make a really cool picture!”
It does indeed.
And it does look like he could use a claw trim!
(squeezes the paw of the cat currently next to her, but it looks like I’ve done his recently.)
I love that you can see just how gentle he is.
Notice that none of the pointy tips are touching my skin.
My current cats are not so good about that.
Which is one reason I keep their nail clippers handy. Though I did just clip the nails of the second-oldest cat because I saw her struggling to get a claw loose from the fabric of the chair she was sitting on.
This is what a successful cat introduction looks like 
George the Maine Coon lost his mate a few months ago and we knew that he was lonesome. Last Saturday we brought Bella home. We were going to do a long slow introduction but they both wanted to be together and after a few hisses, they figured things out.
I think we got it right.
Great pic, thank you for warming my heart (even though it is, at its core, a doggie heart! But even doggies warm up to cats.). George continues to amaze both for his size (in that pic he looks to be about the size of a lamb) and the beautiful patterns in his noble fur! And of course, all due congratulations on having established a peaceful cattery! 
That should be hanging on the wall. What a heartwarming pic.
You got it totally right. 
LOL, GG’s head is twice as big as Bella’s!
They are heart-meltingly perfect together!
That is a beautiful picture.
Bella looks like she has very much been wanting a home where there’s another cat she can hug.
That’s lovely. Some cats NEED to be with other cats; some NEED to be the Only. Cat. I’ve had cats that were happy in a five-feline snuggle pile; got two now (separate adoptions of seniors) that accept each other but have no interest in hanging out together.
Like a lamb, he’s a very fluffy boy! As you know, when you live with a giant breed, you don’t notice how big they are until something happens that makes you say “Wow, he really is a big boy!”
We wanted this to happen, the poor Gormless Guy has been depressed since VBC died and we keep cats because we love them and want them to be happy.
It took Bella about a day to figure out what the clatter of fud dishes on the counter meant, now she beats GG to the kitchen. That’s not really needed because she gets the first dish that hits the floor anyhow.
Bella’s preggy mom was turned into the shelter and she was fostered until she could be fixed and adopted out at 12 weeks old. She and a litter mate went to a woman who handled their feet and clipped their nails enough that Bella just looks annoyed when I take off a sharp point. the lady lost her job and couldn’t afford to keep her cats. Her daughter took the litter mate and Bella went back to the rescue. She spent time in quarantine pending her blood work and then was put into a large open house with about twenty other cats of all ages and temperaments who came and left depending on who was adopted and who was surrendered.
The poor lil girl certainly does deserve something to hold onto!
So much this. GG really needed another cat, after VBC died he changed into a sad, depressed cat because he had never been alone before.
Now I just get to worry about what to do in 15 years when Bella is an only cat…
The answer to that is fairly obvious, isn’t it?
I have to have at least two, so I’m unlikely to be catless. And then I have to have at least three, so there’s unlikely to be a cat in the house who has no feline companion. (Though one of the current four might prefer it, none of the other three would.) But I try very hard to stop at four, because while I’m certainly a crazy cat lady I’m only crazy to a given extent in that direction, and four is as many as I feel I can keep properly patted.
Goo and Abbey in the catio today.
Catio pictures are always fun, here’s my wife and two cats on ours, taken 2ish years ago.
Note - they don’t want to share Mommy with me or anyone else, as you can tell from Kai’s (the cat to the right) cattitude.
It really is. I’ll be around 80 then, so fostering will be the best choice. I don’t want to outlive our pets but I don’t want to be without them either.
(We have a whole complicated plan for if our cats do outlive us. The house and cats will go to the rescue agency we got Bella from with the condition that the cats stay in their home. The rescue can use the home as theirs under the condition that it stays in saleable condition.
They will also get a monthly allowance for care of house and cats. When our cats are gone, the house will be sold and everything divided between our assorted family young people.)
So, yes, it is a simple answer…even if it is complicated enough to involve a lawyer.
They are both so pretty and obviously well loved. We really want to get our catio built before winter, we know that George will love the snow.
Nice catio! Nice cats! (I shan’t show Goo and Abbey the pic. They’d be jealous.)
Here are some pics of our catio, shortly after it was completed.
Here’s a shot from a year or so ago.
Here’s a night shot.
I think rather that my cats would be jealous of your catio. Very nicely done. Ours is a bit bare bones but they’re pleased, and it’s nice for the occasional cerveza or glass of wine while watching fireworks during the months Colorado’s weather is nice.
Cheddar is a curious cat.
A buddy of mine breeds Golden Retrievers. I stopped over his place to return a tool I’d borrowed. He could sell “play with puppies” tickets!
Thank you.
No one has clicked on the first photo. That one’s actually a gallery (‘some pics’) with six photos.