Phillies are World Series Champs!

Former philly boy here, chiming in.



as i live in a row home in philly, i can confirm that there is a world series win… or my neighbours are being attacked en mass.

i’m rather sure it is a win. i’m not hearing any sirens.

i didn’t even need to watch the game, i just listened to the yells and GO!!! from the houses on either side.

What, your neighbors didn’t come out on their porches and start banging pots? Sounded like New Year’s up in my neighborhood.

:smiley: Go Phils! :smiley:

[Cartman] Screw you guys, I’m going home. [/Cartman]


– a Tampa native

Philly expat in Tampa: WOOT!

It was miraculous to watch the Cheesesteak of Suffering reset.

Wait, the world series started already? Who was the other team?

As a Cleveland fan, I am happy to see Charlie Manuel get his due. Congratulations, Charlie.

And as a special bonus, we get free cheesesteaks for lunch at work tomorrow.

Man, I haven’t had a cheesesteak in months.

I gave up on baseball back when the players threatened to strike over steroid use. But, hell, I still have my 1980 newspapers. I had to watch what I could. (I missed the last 3.5 innings, or 44 hours, because they came on too early out here. :frowning: )


The Inquirersays there may be a million people in CC tomorrow for the parade.

I personally will not be one of them.

I learned of the victory from random screams and honking horns outside. (Years ago I learned of an Eagles victory over the Cowboys from a neighbor happily yelling “Fuck Dallas!” from his fire escape.) My workplace authorized an early departure at 11 AM tomorrow for those who want to attend the parade. I won’t be one of them (I’m taking a couple of sick days next week, and the work won’t do itself), but I’m happy for those who are happy.

Hey, another Phillies thread. :slight_smile:

This really is as strange as it is wonderful - it’s the first time in my life any of my teams have actually won a championship. I’ve seen each team lose a championship (though in all honesty, I’ve only ever really cared about the Phillies and Flyers), and I’ve gotta say, winning beats the hell out of losing.

Now I’ve just got to convince my dad to go to the parade tomorrow. “C’mon, dad, everyone’s doing it!”

I’m not a baseball fan but: Congratulations to the Phillies and general good cheer for their fans. :slight_smile:

the parade was insane!!! we watched on streaming video while hearing the cheers through the windows.

i left at 3pm and the streets were still blocked off and people were still walking on broad street.


on the way in i saw the budweiser clydesdale trucks drive in. 4 big huge trucks filled with big huge horsies!
the streets department will be working well into the night! septa might recover by monday.

  1. Old York Road. IHOP. They won, all hell broke loose. Jenkintown went bonkers. What a great night.

So sorry I missed it this time. The Curse of William Penn has been broken !!


they tacked down a wee statue of wm. penn on the roof of the comcast tower (now the tallest bldg.) in order to break the curse.

seems to have worked.

I’m a Brit but lived 2 years in Philly when I was a postdoc at Penn. Awesome result! I’m a big sports fan and remember listening to WIP non stop in the lab - this was 2000-2001 when the 76ers went to the finals, Flyers were good but had that Lindros saga on the go. Hell of a sports town whose fans deserve seeing a Championship brought home :slight_smile:

Reading the Inquirer online the past couple days has reminded me so much of why, no matter how much I may deny it and how much I may try to suppress it, I will always love Philly. Especially this and this. At some point, Philadelphia just fell into the habit of being the underdog, not just in sports but all around, and having things go wrong. It’s fantastic to see Philadelphians get to just celebrate things going right for once.

Also, oh god, Chase Utley’s ‘speech’ was…overwhelmingly fitting for his audience. (here, warning, language.)