40 new episodes of the iconic animated series will be produced, which will be split up into two seasons. The announcement was made by Ayo Davis, president of Disney Branded Television, during the Television Critics Association winter press tour.
I’m 68 years old and this news is great. I don’t like most current cartoons, but that one was an exception. Will the style be the same, and will Perry be in it? I always had fantasies of dominating the Tri State Area!
Great news! I wonder what that means for “Hamster and Gretel”? Been watching that, and it’s cute, but if I had to choose between that and “Phineas and Ferb,” the rodent goes.
Then again, I’m still hoping they’ll bring back “Milo Murphy’s Law” from the same creators. Loved that show.
I loved that show but the 2020 movie was evidence to me that the show ran its course.
I won’t be able to stop myself from watching it but I have to think that it will only dilute the memory of one of the better cartoons I sat and enjoyed with my kids.