Phlosphr, I Pit Your Lapses in Integrity

I recently said that I was a werewolf in a thread. This was a lie. I’m actually a wolfwere. :frowning:

Feel free to ban me in a manner most harsh.

Shit like the OP is precisely why I’m debating keeping my $7.50 and seeing a movie with it or something. I’d hate to leave a miniscule detail out of a post and end up publicly humiliated for “lying”.


Except (correct me if I’m wrong) if you had a whole list of these ‘lapses’, there’s no reason why you’d go public (like this) with anything other than the most serious of the lot, is there? If that’s the case, the others would be so trivial, I’d wonder if they exist nowhere outside of your own imagination.

I have to agree. I’ve been here a long time, and while I cannot remember deliberately mistating any facts in any of my posts, I may have simplified things, or changed insignificant details (for privacy reasons—for me or for someone else) from time to time. To have that thrown back in my face, as if it’s a big deal and has hurt anyone (when it can’t possibly have caused any harm—if I’ve even done it, which I cannot recall either way), well, screw it. Who wants to post if that’s going to be the atmosphere around here?

I’ll forgive you, but only because you used the phrase, “mendacious wretch.” Brought a tear to my eye*, it did.

*Note: Phrase used merely as hyperbole. I did not, in fact, cry over this phrase.

I know. That was my little attempt at being sarcastic.

yosemite, you claim in this thread that you’ve “been here a long time…” However, I distinctly remember a post from 1999 in which you described yourself as a “newcomer.”

A rather glaring discrepency, wouldn’t you say? And keep in mind, that’s just one. I’ll assert that there are others, but I won’t describe them, one at a time, in increasing order of absurdity, until you lend credibility to my idiotic, paranoid rantings by responding to this one, no matter how many other posters try to teach me that arguing in bad faith this way is as destructive of integrity as minor (and logically resolvable, thanks, Uvula Donor) inconsistencies in innocuous posts about peoples’ hobbies.

And Mangetout, I’m sure you’re correct that any other sputtering fuses the OP has to toss (can’t exactly call this one a bombshell) won’t shatter the windows. To sandbag a thread that way would lack integrity, which is the value the OP is trying to defend against…against…well, against the proposition that it’s possible for a man to have lived in Arizona, then Connecticut, then Arizona again, to have attended local Renaissance-Fair-type activities without being a member of the SCA, and to be unsure of SCA rules for costumes, saying he hasn’t owned one, even though he admits having purchased some items from a professional costumier. Okay, so I don’t get it either.

That’s not to say the OP couldn’t possibly have a point. But if he/she/they/it does, it would behoove him/her/them/it to lay out the entire case right now. Up 'til now, I’ve been willing to attribute the coyness of laying out the pitting one item at a time to a poor sense of drama. But the OP has been asked for the whole complaint and supporting evidence more than once, and has posted again without providing it. So I’ll be watching closely for it, and then I’ll make up my mind about who, if anyone, lacks integrity.

I admit that I’ve always kind of liked both Zoe and Phlosphr, and I’d like to believe that this thread was cooked up between them as a spoof to make the point, in light of recent events, that delving too deeply into posters’ histories to catch them in a lie is a road none of us wants to travel.

I’d like nothing better than to find out that’s the case. Wouldn’t mind being whooshed on *that *point.

I have medieval costumes, and have attended the Maryland Renn Faire for years.

But I’ve never been a member of the SCA. I don’t see a glaring contradiction between those two. And if someone asked me to join the SCA, I’d ask about costuming, because while the Ren Faire is (in my understanding) just that - costuming - the SCA uses more realistic, period clothing (again in my understanding).

What utter nonsense. Phlosphr scarcely bases his board “persona” on being a participant (or not) in the SCA. In fact, this is the first I’ve heard of any interest he may have had in it.

This is truly asinine.

I’ll come out and say it. I’ve never lied about anything that would hurt another person. I’ve never claimed false expertise or experience in a particular field. I’ve never made up a story out of whole cloth, either.

But I’ve lied about certain personal information in order to maintain my anonymity. Names, dates, and exact circumstances have been changed so as to protect this. Something that happened to me, I may have claimed happened to a friend. Something that happened two months ago, I may have claimed happened two years ago. And quite frankly, I doubt I’ve maintained this.

And I’m not sorry about it, either. I feel no need to be completely honest about every single little detail, so long as the gist of the story is accurate and true.

Well, yeah, but you’re just old.

Oh, this is my favorite. Zoe has insisted for years that Phloshphr is not a Philosophy professor at a liberal northeastern school, but in reality is a thirteen year old boy.

Well, Ilsa, are you 16 or 26? How much of what you’ve written is lies?

I think when he said he was 26, he was just copying Kyla.

IIRC, you used to be goboy. Which is it, you liar, bear or boy?

Sadly, I used to be a boy, but now I’m a bear (hirsute gay male of a certain age).

Sadly, I used to be a boy, but now I’m a bear (hirsute gay male of a certain age). Although I’m still emotionally immature, does that count?

Are you blind, or just stupid? Read the whole second thread. I’ve also had birthdays recently, so the answer is neither. Fuck off.

Thank you for that, Bricker.

The next time I get frustrated 'cause you’re winning an argument and making a conservative viewpoint seem more persuasive (or disabusing fantasies about the law), I’m gonna imagine you prancing around with a lute and green tights, and I’ll feel better. :smiley: