Apparently, I fucked Up Again

Well, I’ve been told by a couple angry people that my response in the SqrlCub thread re: people are that have been missing a while from the SDMB got it deleted. I did not see the results of it, but I was told via mail that I evidently got my ass (rightfully) chewed out.

I’m sorry to any and all I offended. The person in question was a good friend of mine, and I spent dozens and dozens of hours in chat and via mail trying to listen to them, help them, and commiserate with them. What ultimately happened to them made me angry, sad, and confused. And the threats against me by the other parties made me furious, and that carried over into that thread.

I didn’t see what was said in warning to me. Nonetheless, I offer my unconditional apology to the Staff and all involved, and hope that the thread can be restored sans my post, as it was a perfectly good thread until I let anger at losing a friend carry the day.


Hi Anthracite. I posted to that thread before I left work and was really confused when I just went to check on it and couldn’t find it anywhere. So, I have no idea what happened after I left.

Since you came in some time after me, I don’t know what you said or why the thread was deleted. But I do want to apologize in advance if my questioning about one poster or another hit a sore spot. I meant no harm, as I was genuinely curious about several posters I used to enjoy reading. As I said over there, I have been away from the boards for about 6 months. I’m as clueless as they get around here.

Normally I wouldn’t care if a thread got deleted but I hate to see you taking heat for it, especially on the off chance that I inadvertantly contributed to hard feelings. You are one of my favorite posters.

Smeghead hums quietly to himself in Oblivion-land

divemaster, it’s entirely my fault.

Yes, it was, but we still love you. :slight_smile:

Yeah, well, time to go crawl under the rock for a few weeks again.

I’m not going to have to kick your ass, am I? So you fucked up. So what. Really, we still like you. Except the people who don’t, but they didn’t like you before, either. :wink:

Plus, like I said in email, I either fucked up submitting my Eve update or else it was seen as too sensitive and got expunged. I’ll never know, unless someone tells me, which they haven’t.

Well, in the other thread Euty specifically quoted a line from my post, so it was me.


You did not fuck up.

Nothing was said to you in that other thread. Anything I had to say on the situation was said here. You did not get your ass chewed out and if anybody said they that in that thread, they are lying to you as yours was the final post. The other moderators can bear me out on that.

I cannot impress upon everybody strongly enough how volitile a situation this is. Please for the good of the board, let it drop.

My guess, Anthracite, is that if ever the mods want to, uh, chew your ass out, you won’t hear about it second-hand. You’ll get a priority delivery straight to your email inbox from those who hold the actual reigns of power, if not the cat-o-nine-tails of power.

And, before anyone else mentions it, yes, the Ass Chewers would be a pretty good name for a punk rock band.

You wanna email me and let me know the whole story? Because I can’t make head nor tail of what is actually happening here, and I know both you and the mods.

Honestly, hon, the mods/admins aren’t the least bit backward in coming forward when it somes to us regulars.

My new email addy is in my profile - please talk to me, because I’m sure there is a misunderstanding here somewhere.

love, as always, to you and Fi


Well, Euty, you’re right, they were lying to me - or “teasing me”, they mailed me this morning. Funny joke on me, ha ha. Since I hadn’t seen the thread, I had no idea. :o I really did feel badly about causing an administrative action - it’s just that simple. Maybe I’m much more sensitive to these things now, and feel the need to apologize to be greater, as I see both sides of a Board.

I’ve been making one-line posts only in response to direct questions, and I have not been mailing people about details. I left all details out of my OP, and my replies. And I will not be mailing people about the details, out of respect for your request.

It seemed obvious to me I posted something that was bad for the Board, and a couple people mailed me and convinced me that I had got a warning. I mailed your Hotmail account to explain, but did not receive a response. I see now that your profile has a different e-mail, so obviously my address book is out of date.

I didn’t take a single thing personally, and I agreed 100% with closing the thread. I was trying to apologize for making waves. Please close or delete this thread as you wish, as you’ve received the intent of my message.

I hope you believe my stated intent.

I do. And thanks!

This is done. I’ll be closing this thread now.