Physical side effects of THC

I have looked all over the internet and can’t find anything that seems to match my experience. Most of the reports I read seem to be biased one way or the other and are not dealing with my issues anyway.

 I believe it is highly unlikely that my experience is as unique as it appears to be. I can see where it might be possible that no one has made the connection but I also find that unlikely.

 About a year ago I started experiencing muscle spasms on the left side of my face and tightening of the long muscles in my throat. This went on 24/7. I at first attributed it to nerves and something making me nervous I was not aware of but after it persisted I decided to try eliminating my medical pot to see if it made a difference. After 6 days the symptoms were gone. I went back and took a few hits over a 1 week period and the symptoms promptly returned. I quit again and 6 days later they were gone. I repeated this a total of 4 times. 

I got to thinking about other symptoms I had over the past year, one was a constant hissing in my ears and the other was a roaring sound like rushing blood in my ears that matched my pulse. Doctor could not identify the causes of these ear problems but it seems they were gone by the eighth day off of pot. 

I am a very light user, 1/4 oz will last me over a year. I seldom take more than 2 small hits in the same day. I was able to track the start of these symptoms to the approx time I purchased this pot. 

Several years ago I had a batch that would give me an unrelenting irregular heart beat that would cease after 72 hours without pot.

The most common side effect I have experienced is low grade localized headaches that usually take about 3 days to subside. 

Another side effect I strongly suspect but haven't verified is tight shoulder and neck muscles. 

Am I the only one experiencng things like this?

I am kind of surprised I got no replies on this as widely as it is used. Very little of this kind of information on the net as well.

I’ve never heard of pot causing either of those reactions, especially the muscle thing. Given the extremely low consumption you describe I don’t see how any of those things could be blamed on the pot, provided it’s quality shit.

Thats what I would have thought also, but the stop and start method I use to narrow it down seems very consistent about taking a certain amount of time to leave my system. I was hoping someone may be able to point me toward some reports or current studies going on.

When I was younger and used it heavier I never experienced side effects. The first time I positively identified side effects was 26 years ago. Every batch has a slightly different effect if any at all and is very easy to confirm.

What are you smoking it out of? Metal pipe or one hitter? Glass bowl? I wonder if there’s a material, solder, dye or paint that’s vaporizing and causing your symptoms. Or even maybe inhaling some lighter fluid, as I know can sometimes happen as the flame is held to the herb while inhaling.

No, as an herbalist, nurse, hippie chick and friend of potheads, I’ve never heard of these side effects from marijuana. Aside from the intoxicating and mood effects, the physical side effects I’m aware of are a temporary change in blood pressure, including intraocular pressure and blood sugar, an increased appetite and weight gain (probably from the eating due to increased appetite).

I use a single paper and roll a pinner.

  I started a post a week or so ago about saturation vs tolerance. I am strongly suspecting that my light usage and small dosage each time I use somehow multiplies the effect, for lack of a better word by tickling the associated parts of the brain that are affected. If I increase the dosage or the frequency it seems to be a waste of money. The high will only last for a couple of hours and any attempts to refresh the high are very short lived. 

  My guess is that I use about 1/50 of what a lot of my friends are using and I seem to stay higher longer and enjoy it more. I can stay in a real nice zone for up to about 8 hours off of 2 small hits. I have over 50 years experience with this so am not a newbe by any stretch.

The couple of times I’ve tried pot I had issues with muscle control, for me it was in the legs rather than the face though. That’s basically why I never tried it again after.