Pick a dog, any dog


Our local pound has a list like this on Craigslist every day showing the available doggies and kitties. And while I perfectly content with the 4 pets I have, I always enjoy looking at the beasties and imagining which one I’d want.

So, in an imaginary world, which one of these dogs would you want?

All of them!

But especially Maggie the golden retriever, or Pepper, the terrier who looks like he just woke up.

Mr. Horseshoe would lean towards whichever is the youngest. Left to myself, there’s something appealing about the last one (Jupiter) - huge bat-wing ears and a spot on his head that’s designed for scritchies.

I like the odd eyes on Rachel, too.

Boy, you can pretty much call any mutt a “lab mix” or a “shepherd mix” or a “pitt mix,” huh? :slight_smile:

I would want either of the Lab/Chows, Qantas or Trinket.

I had one of my own, Whitney and she was bright and beautiful and I miss her terribly.

My Whitney.

Blackjack, in the last row, is the one for me.

Swoozie is adorable! Of course, I’m not into mongrels, but if I couldn’t have a basenji, I’d take her.

Crosby, though I’d change the name (wouldn’t want anyone thinking I’m a Pens fan…! :D)

So many of them are adorable, though! I can’t have dogs with the life I’ve currently got, but I do love them. Maybe one day!

I love pitts and anything that looks like a German Shepherd, so I want about half of those dogs! Realistically I’m not one to pick a dog out by looks, but Cinnamon in the second row has a very appealing grin. There’s a dog that would ensure I get out for a run every day!

When I have property with a fenced yard, I plan to go to a shelter and ask for the really good dog that deserves a home, but has been overlooked due to ____ (insert age, color, breed, minor health condition). That’s the dog I want.

Yeah, your generic brown dog tends to look lab or shepherd-ish. I’ve seen other shelters really reaaaaalllllly stretch plausibility to avoid calling dogs pitts, since they tend to get passed over for adoption. “Boxer mix”? I doubt it, but whatever gets it into a home with kids to snorgle.

I would pass on the Akita mix (its the only type of dog that has ever scared me by being too aggressive), and would scoop up the min pin, cause that breed is hilarious.

I just want to win the powerball so I can give a bunch of sweeties a good home. I’ve got 3 dogs, and that’s all I can take.

I’m in love with Carol, in the first row. So cute!

But my cats would not be amused.

Tessa is only 2 months old, but she has a very worried look on her face, like she’s scared she won’t find a forever home.

Me too.

Any one of the pit mixes. I love those dogs. Especially Wanda (row 28, first pic)…she just looks like she needs love.

Somehow I overlooked Cinnamon the first time. What a fun dumb looking dog!

Which pretty much guarantees that she will! :stuck_out_tongue: That’s how they getcha every time …

Rogue has such a bright, appealing look to her. I hope all these doggies find good and loving homes.

Either Mr Buster, the Chi/Doxie mix, 8 months old… my GOD he’s adorable!! ot Tequila, the 4 year old Min Pin. He looks so tragically sad.

I’m a cat person, but if I were to live with a dog I’d go for a Rat Terrier.


I obviously didn’t bother reading the OP. Now that I have- I’d go for Lucy the Australian Shepherd.


Digby gets my vote. Hope the cats don’t really mind.