Pick the next Spidey villian(s)!

After the blockbuster release of Spider-Man, there was some internet buzz about wanting to see Venom in the next movie. The problem with that, I think, is that the Venom character’s origin is so complicated that it would defy a single movie and the character is so violent that an accurate adaptation would have to be R-rated.

My thought was to concentrate on more of the classic villians, starting with:
[ul][li]Doctor Octopus, if they make his tentacles rsemble those of the “Sentinels” from Matrix)[/li][li]Sandman, whose body is composed of hundreds of millions of nanobots, in an attempt to update the character, as Spidey’s radioactive spider was changed to a genetically modified one.[/li][/ul]
Since all the recent Batman movies (except the first) introduced two villians (or more) each, I don’t see a problem having them both in the sequel.

Offhand, I can’t think of any prime casting choices (though Stellan Skarsgård is apparantly under consideration as Doc Ock).

Any thoughts? How about Kraven, the Chamelon, the Vulture, the Lizard, Hammerhead, the Scorpion?

Would anyone like to see J. Jonah burn a swastika into Peter’s ass?

Apparently you missed the last Batman movie. :wink:

And now, SPOILER WARNING for those who just don’t wanna know…

It’s looking a lot like Doc Ock and the Lizard are featured in the second flick. Seeing’s how Pete mentions Doc Conners in the first movie (even if it was a throwaway line), this probably isn’t a new development.

When we saw the movie, I kept thinking to myself, “Is that… hey, wasn’t he… naaaah.” Amazing what a little hair does for a guy. :slight_smile:

Note : Edited to insert spoiler tag by request of the poster.

Actually, there were three established villians in the last movie; Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy and Bane.

Electro would be kinda cool, too.

Doc Ock? ::Groan:: Gods, I hope they DON’T try to remain faithful to his costume. That thing doesn’t even look good DRAWN.

Lizard, tough. That rocks. Lizard…I like.

I’d rather see Kraven, or the Punisher than Ock, though.

Agreed on Venom not being a good idea for #2, but perhaps SpideyII can set things up so that Venom can be in III.

Punisher’s already made his movie.

I’ve been totally out of the loop as far as the ‘internet buzz,’ so this has probably been discussed to death somewhere out there, but I was wondering…

How could they come up with a Venom origin that was plausible in the movie context and yet come anywhere near pleasing fans of the comic book character? Secret Wars was a pretty integral part of the symbiote’s origin, and they wouldn’t be able to use any part of that story in the movie for simplicity’s sake.

Bryan: Actually, my comment about the last Batman movie was more in reference to you saying “I don’t see a problem” than the number of villains…

Basically, I thought it sucked dirty brown dishwater. I actually couldn’t sit through it. And I’ve got both Captain America and The Punisher on tape.
I’d love to see Venom get the nod for the (possible) 3rd flick, with some backstory setup in #2, as well. Wasn’t the Eddie Brock character given a quick walk-on in the first film? Granted, he’d need a major re-write. I seem to recall that the Spiderman cartoon (the latest one) brought the symbiote to earth on a space shuttle or satellite…

As far as characters that would be easier to bring to life on the big screen, Kraven and the Punisher would both be a lot of fun to see redone.

[sub]So long as that evil Spiderman with the blue and red in his costume reversed doesn’t turn up…[/sub]

Well, two+ villians okay, two+ lousy actors not-so-okay.

I’m with White Lightning on this one. I’d love to see Venom as a villain (he was always my favorite), but they’d have one hell of a lot of explaining to do. Nerds in the audience would cheer and the mainstream crowd would blink and wonder exactly what was going on.

Bruce Campbell gave a lecture at my school. When asked if a rumor that he was playing the Lizard was true, he gave a non-answer.

That would be so cool. He’d be perfect! But not as the main villain, or even as another villain’s sidekick. He just shows up and goes on a ra,page at innoppurtune times.

The the main event, either Doc Ock or Harry Osborne as Green Goblin. Possibly link them together. Doc was helping Harry on some illegal experiment when the accident that fuses him to the arms occurs. After he confronts him, Harry offers to pay him to take out Spidey.

Throw in the Ock-May romance, and it’s gold!

The Punisher is going to be a new movie, it’s in development now.

Doc Ock was originally going to be in the first movie, but they cut him out to reduce the clutter. The sequel is meant to be very much centered around Peter handling his responsibility some more, so I think two villains will be unnecessary. But then, I’m no screenwriter, maybe they can make it work.

Why do filmmakers think they need to exponentially increase the number of characters in each sequel they make? The Batman series is instructive:

Batman – Batman, Joker. Best of the series.

Batman Returns – Batman, Penguin, Catwoman. Decent film; gets some bonus points for putting Michelle Pfeiffer in tight leather.

Batman Forever – Batman, Robin, Two-Face, The Riddler – Thus begins the suckitude. A tragic waste of Tommy Lee Jones and one of the more complex of Batman’s foes.

Batman & Robin – Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze (and apparently, Bane – who’s that?) – The baby Jesus is crying.

The math is simple - more characters = less time spent developing each character. Please Mr. Raimi – pick ONE villain and flesh him out entirely.

I’m not sure why, but the first foe to spring to my mind (after Venom, of course) was Morbius. I like conflicted villains better than out-and-out psychos, I guess. That was always one of the best parts of the Spidey comics for me–the villains weren’t always pure evil.

Dewey, Bane was the center of a particularly nasty Dark Knight (IIRC) storyline in which Batman becomes addicted to a steroid-like drug called Venom that produces a rapid (as in under 5 seconds–hey, it’s a comic book) increase in strength. Bane is the guy that created the drug, and a heavy user of it himself–he’s insanely tough and strong after a hit. I caught one of the Batman Beyond cartoons recently that involved the drug, and Bane had been reduced to a frail wreck on life support who needed a constant supply of the stuff to stay alive.

I wish they’d taken some guidance from Ultimate Spiderman when they did the screenplay for the first movie. The comic book set up Spidey, the Green Goblin and Doc Ock all in one book, and did it very deftly too. Plus it makes sense (I think) that when 3 superpowered people turn up at the same time they have a sort-of common origin.

In the Spiderman cartoon from the mid 90’s they started off the Venom storyline with Spidey stepping in a black puddle of Alien symbiote that came to Earth in an asteroid.

And his bones were frickkin’ HUGE! I mean, that is a DRUG! Man! He had, like, all this skin and no muscle at all draped over his bones. He didn’t even notice the new 'Bats.

I would like to say that “The Punisher” could, in theory, be the best Marvel movie ever, if it is apprpriately dark and violent. I’m talking gritty film nior combined with “Ronin” action scenes and more firepower than as ever expended in World War II.

Oh yeah!

…You know technically Batman Returns has Three villains.

Penguin, Catwoman and Max Schreck (Christopher Walken’s character)
I’d like to see The Lizard as a Villain that is taken care of half way through the movie. With Doc Ock as the main villain with Harry Osborne as the villain in a suit and tie.

Venom would absolutely suck. His story is way too stupid and non-Spiderman to work. Spiderman and Aliens don’t mix. That’s why wise writers have underplayed that aspect of the character.

I heard they may try to work the Gwen Stacy/Capt. Stacy stories into the movie which would also be pretty silly.

They should have done Gwen Stacy in the first one and introduced Mary Jane in the second.

I would definitely like to see Kraven in a Spider-Man movie. He always struck me as being slightly more complex than the average dumb-ass super-villain. Hunter’s honor and all that.

It never seemed logical to me that Doc Ock could stay in Spider-Man’s league. I kept waiting for Spidey to slip up and rip his freaking arms out.

Please, no Hobgoblin!!

Ted Raimi in a monster suit.

What? It is a Sam Raimi film, after all. :smiley:

Oooh, Michael Morbius. Forgot about him. And, though it’d make for an awful dark story, the Sin-Eater story arc could make for a decent movie.

I think that was his name, anyway… Pretty much a Punisher-style vigilante, who wore a purple featureless mask, and went around simply executing those he deemed evil. Ended up done in in the same manner, by some anonymous Jack Ruby, when taken into police custody.

Anyone else [sub]cough, Fenris, cough[/sub] remember this one?