I want to believe that we have aliens in Area51. I think there have to be aliens out there (what they are doing visitng us is beyond me) and their spaceships can’t work perfectly every time. The whole weather balloon alibi given by the government is just too boring!
I like to think of the freemasons as the most powerful force on the planet. I think I just like the idea of those shriners in their little cars controlling everything.
The Illuminati and the Serpent people are really running the world on behalf of the freemasons and the knights templar. They are operating out of the moon, which is why they never let us land there but made us believe they did and killed JFK because he proposed the moon landing as well as was going to reveal that we really did have an alien spacecraft at Area 51(that crashed at roswell). All of this can be found in bible codes and nostrodamous prophecies.
They also caused 9/11 to give them a reason to fighting little wars around the world under the guise of the “war on terrorism”.
Jews are just regular people just trying to make it through life like the rest of us. It’s a crazy theory. The Aryan Brothers all think I’m nuts. That’s what they tell me while we’re shooting at black heliocopters at night during the new moon. Damn those propeller mufflers—it’s almost as if we’re just shooting at nothing! We were going to let Big Foot join, 'til Bubba traced his lineage back to Mongolia. Besides, he looked a little too much like Greg Allman for anybody’s taste. Gave us all the willies.
Illuminati (including arms Freemasons/Skull&Bones/CFR/Rosthchilds/etc)
Active 9/11 Complicity
JFK assination being more than 1 guy involved
Aliens being used as disinformation/misdirection
Okay, okay, I’m tired of all the denying. We Freemasons, disguised as ordinary humans, really do rule the world. In Area 51, everybody wears fezzes, including the aliens. Hey, those little guys can party. Eddie Van Halen wanted to pay us to rename it Area 5150, but it was narrowly voted down. Edward’s a fine fella, and Master of his lodge, but he didn’t have the votes. In a concession to EVH, though, we’re going to Ernie Ball cabletows in '06. :rolleyes:
Bush paid “them” to do 9/11
Bush stole the last election
Bush will rig the next election
Bush will hide WMD’s in Iraq and dig them up just before next election
Bush caught OBL and is hiding him in Area 51 until right before next election
Bush conspired with Castro to kill JFK
Bush also contracted to have RFK and MLK killed
Bush paid a bribe to Tony Blair so England would stick with the U.S. re: Iraq
Bush put Mad Cow Disease germs in Canada
Bush is causing the high gasoline prices so his friends can get rich
Bush caused the dress material to be faulty so that Janet’s boob fell out
Bush wants high unemployment in the U.S. so he’s sending jobs overseas
Bush…eh, that’s enough
No wonder they say President of the U.S. is a busy job!
I think Dick Cheney has been dead for years. But they don’t want to say anything until after the term is up. And that they built a really good robot likeness to trot out before “he” goes back to the “undisclosed location” they always claim “he” is at.
Ever since the X-Files, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we had aliens hangin’ out somewhere, in a government protected area. Then again, Fox (such an appropriate name) Mulder could have blathered about anything, and I’d believe it.