It would seem pictures of Captain America’s costume for next years movie have been leaked. These aren’t photographs of the actual suit unfortunately, but artists renderings of what the suit actually looks like.
These were posted at AICN and they seem pretty convinced that these are 100% legitimate. I know we have some fellow Dopers around here who are also interested in Marvel’s film projects so I thought I’d throw this out there.
Personally, I like this a lot. I’ve enjoyed most of Marvel’s movies, but Cap is hands down my favorite superhero in the MU and I’ve been awaiting a movie worthy of the character for some time. It’s very evocative of the classic costume with the expected touches of the realism needed for live action.
The costume is…ok, I guess. I don’t like the straps on the sides of the chest leading to the shoulder armor. Visually, they just clutter the image for me. Also don’t like the image showing him wearing what appears to be a pistol hostler on his right hip. Maybe WWII Cap used a sidearm at some point, but I don’t remember it.
Adding another vote for the wings. Cap needs wings, and won’t look quite right without them.
Seriously, guys. If you want to market the film to guys like me - who’ve never read a Captain America comic, who are only vaguely familiar with the character - then no wings. As far as I’m concerned, even the “A” on his forehead is pushing it.
Will we get to hear When Captain America throws his mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yield!? Cuz I never watched the cartoon but that line has stuck with me forever.
Probably some kind of load-bearing vest, designed to give him more places to attach stuff he can carry. Soldiers wear something similar (but much cheaper, of course).
I like it. It looks practical, while also still looking like Captain America.
And I think the hip-holster in the one picture is for a knife, not a gun. Cap’s primary weapon should always be his shield, but a knife is a tool, not a weapon.
The guy’s supposed to be a WWII infantryman. Be kind of odd for him not to use a gun. I don’t know if it was part of his original conception, but a casual Google image search for “captain america gun” turns up lotsofhits.
I can’t decide if this is my favorite, or if this is.