Well, what can I say. I thought this film was the weakest offering yet from the Apatow/Rogen/Goldberg crew.
If anything, it reminded me how goddamn annoying potheads are.
Weed is a plant. It gets you high. You get high, and you enjoy stuff more. Music sounds better, food tastes better. But weed is not a fucking lifestyle! The people who make a lifestyle out of weed are the most uninteresting people in the universe. And these are the people that this movie is about.
Rogen and Apatow have, in the past, with movies like 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up, given us, commendably, characters who smoked weed but were more than just stoners - characters that were multi-dimensional, realistic guys who happened to smoke weed, but for whom weed was not the only thing in their lives. Well, this concept is completely shot to hell with Pineapple Express. The characters’ incoherent stoner babbling and falling all over the place gets really old really fast. After a while, it just becomes annoying to watch them.
There was also:
A romantic sub-plot that went absolutely nowhere (maybe this was the intention - but the result was not funny, at least not in my opinion.)
A completely wasted turn by the great actor Gary Cole, who was totally under-used in this movie.
A bunch of really over-the-top violence that felt completely forced.
And on top of all of that, the main characters all looked so damn…gross. They were grimy and dirty throughout the whole movie. What can I say, I found it unpleasant to have to look at a bunch of really dirty guys and their slovenly apartments for the whole duration of the movie.
I don’t know, I really expected this to be a better and more nuanced movie. Some of the jokes were funny - “You’ll go to college and get into Godspeed You Black Emperor and The Shins!” - and a few others that I can’t remember (which says a lot.) I expected it to be a little bit…I don’t know…mature. Maybe this was a foolish expectation but that’s what I’ve come to expect from Apatow and Rogen - comedies that are kind of dumb and kind of gross, but also kind of intelligent and mature and realistic. This movie was all the former and none of the latter.
Any thoughts?