Pitting Jim_B

For the record, I don’t actually think he is drunk. He comes off as the type who is “naturally” drunk. So very similar to what you described.

When I see a thread started by the poster in question, I skip it. If I fail to notice that this poster started a thread and open it anyway, I immediately find myself thinking “who is this stupid?” and before I check I pretty much know the answer.

The poster in question appears to be one of those people who has no idea that other people might have different reactions to things than he does. I think of it as a complete lack of empathy or connection with other people. If it’s genuine, it’s sad I guess, but annoying as hell on a message board. If it’s put on, it doesn’t seem like much of an ambition to fool people into thinking you’re an idiotic ass.

It wasn’t stupid it was bigoted and hateful. The myriad of assumption under that “kudos” post play into every negative stereotype about gay men and the early 80-90s narrative that AIDS cases could be divided up into innocent victims and everyone else.

Stupid, bigoted and hateful often go hand in hand. Didn’t we all learn that in the last years (or from history in general)?

My threshold for using the “ignore” function is very high. I’ll keep reading posts from some asshole or loon as long as they occasionally contribute to the conversation, even if their contribution pisses me off.

But Jim_B is one of three posters that made my list. Even without his offensive posts like the one that prompted this thread, the rest are too stupid to provide value. I am perpetually surprised and depressed when I see so many posters replying to him.

Certainly, but in this case, I don’t believe it was stupid. Stupid implies he didn’t know better. I think he knows exactly what he’s doing.

Well, he claims to be gay himself, so maybe he’s self-deprecating. But then, he also claims to be an atheist, and then posts about how prayer never failed him…

Yeah, that definitely turned my head. I thought maybe I just misremembered him saying he was an atheist. That does seem like it could be disingenuous.

You know, I’m going to be completely honest. I rather enjoy reading Jim’s silly OPs.

I’m not advocating for the guy. He may very well be all the things said upthread. I’m just saying his OPs make me chuckle. (Not the one given by the OP in this thread.)

Andy Dick makes me laugh sometimes too, but I still wouldn’t want to interact with him.

Stupidity does not necessarily imply lack of malice or lack of culpability. Plenty of people are maliciously stupid.

Yes, I understand the generalities. I’m talking about this specific person and I don’t think he’s stupid- stupid can also simply mean using poor judgement and should know better. Can imply ignorant. Can imply foolish.

I do not think he’s stupid. I think he’s deliberately being bigoted and knows what he’s doing. Calling he or his posts stupids, for this poster, misses the mark in my opinion.

He might be, I actually have scarce exposure to his posts. I did just go through his created topic list and see that he has a lot that seem to follow a pattern of being aggressively bigoted and also frankly–stupid. Appears to be his schtick. I am guessing I was not very familiar with his posts previously because he was so frequently posting threads that just based on title alone I could have told were going to be trash, so never clicked on them and probably never realized they were the work of one poster.

His jokes in the joke thread are generally moronic.

His “facts” in the fact thread are consistently moronic. He was recently given a Note there too.

I agree. This is not a name that’s familiar to me.

Good heavens. If you know one gay person, you know that person.

To be fair, my dad is an atheist — and, as far as I know, prayer has never failed him, either.

Umm, what?

His posts exploit every negative gay stereotype, despite saying he’s that way himself.

His note has been upgraded to a warning, and he has been given this mod instruction by @Aspenglow:

Please do not post again about gay characteristics, gay sexuality, gay celebrities or any other aspect of gayness or sex in general, on penalty of having your posting privileges suspended or revoked.