Okay, time for another installment of Things my Four Year Old Daughter Did. I still maintain this isn’t cute. If anything, it’s scary.
We have a hard time getting MilliCal to a.) Go to Bed; and b.) Stay in Bed. I’m sure she thinks that, after she goes to bed, we break out the Secret Stash of Oreos and other cookies and stay up late watching cartoons. She doesn’t want to miss any of this, so she’ll come stumbling, bleary-eyed, out of bed long after we’re sure she’s asleep, stagger over to the TV, squint at it, and ask “What’s this?”
It’s a Grown-Up Movie, we’ll explain, impelling her back to her bedroom, “Good Night.” I have no idea what she makes of Lawrence of Arabia, or The Seven Samurai, or Law and Order, or Sex in the City.
Sex in the City. We’ve just started getting HBO, and this is an interesting series. It deals with things you can’t do on the networks. Sometimes I think that they throw in a few gratuitous "Fuck"s , just to remind you this is Cable. MilliCal as stumbled out to see what is going on, and sometimes it’s SITC. I quickly hit the MUTE button, and we usher her back to bed, explaining that it’s about women living in the city. MilliCal already understands the appeal of NYC.
Today it was too hot to cook. We piled into the van to go to the air-conditioned Mall and grab a bite.
“Pizza for Everyone!” shouts MilliCal.
Pepper Mill stops in her tracks.
“Miranda said that in Sex in the City last night,” she says. My God, so she did. This is one night MilliCal did not stumble out to see what was on. So either she lay abed listening, or else it filtered in through her dreams.
Good thing it was “Pizza for Everyone!” and not the F-word.
But maybe she’s just waiting for a more embarrassing time to use that one.