PLEASE help ID this cartoon

A guy I work with asked me if I remembered this cartoon;
Although I consider myself an unqualified expert on most obscure cartoons, I have to admit I am stumped on this one.

It apparently involves an alien that makes a caveman go back and forth in time. the alien is very “stick-figure”-ish and the caveman is bigger and carries a club while dressed in stereotypical animal skin garb. Also, they are both drawn to be white or light colored against a mostly grey background.

Sorry, I don’t have more info to go on, but if anyone can remember this one, ytou guys can.

Chris W

Nickelodeon’s Prometheus and Bob.

Prometheus and Bob was about an alien, Prometheus, who was trying to teach this caveman, Bob, how to use things like fire and stuff. He recorded all his lessons on a camera and things usually turn out bad. What we have is the film from these lessons.

It was also done in clay animation.

Although Prometheus and Bob (from the Kablam! TV show) was about a caveman and an alien, they were not white or light-colored. (Although your friend could be misremembering.) Prometheus was purple, and Bob was skin-colored.

And don’t forget the monkey, who seemed to be smarter that Prometheus and Bob combined.

…I miss Kablam!…::sigh::

Just thought I’d ring in as another Kablam! freak. I loved it.

Sorry, my friend says that it is definitely NOT Prometheus and Bob, he remembers that from Nickelodeon. This was definitely an actual 2-d drawn cartoon, and it came out in the late 60’s or early 70’s. It was probably not the subject of an entire 1/2 hour show, but rather a featured short as part of a greater anthology(a la Go Go Gophers on Tennessee Tuxedo and his Friends).
Finally, my friend also recalled that the alien in question also had a “bubble-helmet”.

Thanx again

Chris W

This just in:

The guy I’m trying to ID this cartoon for said the alien reminded him of the old cartoon, “Jot”
Okay, I’m also bumping my own thread, sorry.

Chris W