My kid recently has become obsessed with Jackie Chan’s movies;she finds them hysterical, and I, too think they are pretty cool. I do remember seeing one earlier in his career(or rather, I remember seeing the commercial for it). There is a scene(again, saw this part on the commercial) in which Jackie is in the middle of one of his trademark fight scenes where he and whomever he is fighting alongside are momentarily standing next to each other in the middle of said fight. Jackie’s partner looks at him and says "Are you alright?’ Jackie’s response is “No!”, and then they resume the fight.
I realize, not a lot to go on, but if anyone can solve this one, it’s you wonderfully obsessive people here.
I have a fairly large Jackie Chan collection (about 30 films) but without more to go on, I won’t even hazard a guess.
The problem is, comedy is an integral part of Jackie’s movies. That line would fit in nicely with most of his films, as he also uses the “buddy” formula fairly often. Without watching his films again until I heard the line, I’m at a loss.
Was his partner Asian, black, or white? Was it a man or a woman? How long ago do you remember seeing the commercial?
If you remember seeing it in a commercial, it may have been from one of the Shanghai movies, or from one of the Rush Hour flicks.
If you can remember more details, I’m pretty sure it could be nailed down easily.
Snowboarder Bo is right. More information about the partner, please. Also, anything distinctive about this fight: weapons, locations, the people Chan was fighting, any snippets of the plot.
Argh, I know the scene you’re talking about. There’s a good chance I even have that movie in my collection. Can’t remember which, though. More information required.
I’d be willing to bet that it’s not one of his earliest movies. I’d say late 80’s to mid 90’s.
I vaguely remember a scene like this from Rumble in the Bronx, but rather than his “partner” asking him if he was all right, I think it was a passing civilian who had just witnessed him making a death-defying escape. I’d imagine that the motif or some variant got used in a lot of his movies, though.
It’s amazing, by the way, how I’d never noticed the majestic mountains of the Bronx before this movie. . .
Alas , I don’t remember much about the person asking the question. I seem to remember it being male, but I could be wrong. I definitely know it is NOT either of the Rush Hour movies, as we have seen both of those.
Since Rumble In The Bronx seems to be the popular concensus, I will try and track that one down.
Thanx to all for the info.
That was the first movie I saw that got me into the world of Jackie Chan. I got the DVD right when it came out (97? 98?) and I don’t know how many times I’ve seen it. It’s quite a fun movie!
Unless I’m misremembering, this moment happens as follows: Jackie is hanging on the hovercraft as it barrels through the streets of Vancouv— um, I mean, New York. A semi truck-and-trailer drives across their path on an intersecting street, and the hovercraft turns to avoid and fishtails. Jackie flies off the side of the hovercraft, hits the pavement, and rolls underneath the trailer. On the other side, he jumps to his feet. Stunned spectator: “Are you all right?” Jackie: “No.” And he dashes off.
RitB isn’t my favorite Jackie Chan, but it’s a pretty good introduction for people who don’t know anything about him. For my favorite, I’d probably have to pick Project A Part 2. I think it shows him at his most sustained level of inventiveness (the whole thing where he’s handcuffed to the policeman is genius, not to mention the comedy scene in which a dozen people hide separately in a tiny apartment) with the least amount of downtime.
Actually, I think RUMBLE is a great intro movie for those who don’t know Jackie Chan. The scene with the beachballs in the truck at the top of the parking lot is, IMHO, one of the great moments of dance (OK, so it’s fighting, same thing) in all of cinema.
“Rumble” was my first Chan flick too. Watching Jackie vault through a shopping cart, or turn a cartwheel in midair, made me realize I had never truly seen an action movie before. Within a month or two, I’d seen at least six more Chan movies.
This may be a stretch, but an much earlier HK film of his called (or at least the english title I know it by) Wheels On Meals has a scene similar to what you decribe. This film stars the Peking Oprea trifecta of Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. It’s set in Spain, Jackie & Yuen run a lunch wagon and Sammo is some kind of an Detective’s assistant. One of the bad guys is played by Benny “The Jet” Urquidez (sp?) who was a multi-time champion kick-boxer before he became a character-actor heavy. It is a scene where Jackie is getting his ass handed to him by Mr. The Jet that he and Yuen end up back to back & the bit of dialog the OP refers to takes place.
Another early J.C, S.H & Y.B. flick, also featuring Mr. Benny T.J. Urqidez is Dragons Forever.