Please help me find an obscure Children's Christmas Carol

My Mom shared a memory of this carol with me last week; it was a song that she taught the children’s choir to sing for Christmas Eve services–I guess I was about 4 the first time I sang it. It’s called “Knock knock knock went Joseph” and is about how the beasts in the stable at Bethlehem offered to share the stable with Mary and Joseph.

I’ve already searched for it on Google. It’s not the “Beasts of Bethlehem” song, although it’s probably similar to it. The only thing my Mom could remember was that it had been written by an Episcopal priest, and even may not have been officially published–she bought it in paper form, maybe as sheet music. (My mom is an organist/choirmistress).

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Happy holidays to all. :slight_smile:

Try this site - the first song may be what you’re looking for. If so, come to the next DC Lunch Bunch and buy me a sandwich. :smiley:

Thanks for the site, Olentzero, but that’s not the carol. I have a feeling what I’m looking for is going to be fairly obscure and probably not even officially “published.” The carol has the beasts nodding yes to Joseph & Mary as they invite them into the stable. I should have added that it was in the 50s that my Mom first taught this carol!

I’d love to join the DC Lunch Bunch, btw, but I work in suburban MD, so I suspect it would be hard for me to get downtown for lunch. Maybe one Friday that I’m off? :slight_smile: